Tol-Dornor Adventure: The Temple – Dungeons & Dragons Tactics

This guide covers a required adventure in the first act of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics. Below, you’ll find a table with adventure statistics, a map, map legend, and an overview.

dungeons dragons tactics tol dornor adventure the temple map

1 – Arrival
2 – Chest
3 – Vampire Spawns and Vampire Lord
4 – Chest
5 – Vampires
6 – Chest
7 – Chests
8 – Vampires
9 – Vampires
10 – Dragon Statue
11 – Bruss
12 – Chest
13 – Chest
14 – Trap
15 – Vampire Spawn
16 – Vampire Spawn
17 – Vampire
18 – Vampire Lord
19 – Chests
20 – Bruss’ Sarcophagus


Search for information about Athearorn at the ruined temple, now believed to be the lair of a vampire lord.

Adventure Statistics
Party MembersRecm’d LevelTotal MonstersTotal ChestsEnd Reward
66th2090 XP


1 – Arrival

Monks may have dwelled here long ago, but now the ruined monastery is home to the unliving. Remember, the children of darkness have sharp ears.

2 – Chest

The level’s first chest contains a small amount of gold, a Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield, and some Masterwork Arrows.

3 – Vampire Spawns and Vampire Lord

Once you’ve moved into the map a short distance, you’ll enter combat mode with the bow-wielding Vampire Spawn standing next to this door. Another Vampire Spawn and a Vampire Lord are also in the vicinity, but you shouldn’t enter combat with them until you’ve moved farther toward the south. The Vampire Spawns are typically worth 116 experience points per party member, whereas this particular Vampire Lord is worth 350 experience points per party member.

You’ll be dealing with a lot of Vampires during this adventure, so you may want to equip your silver weapons (unless you’re using a more powerful magical weapon) for the duration of the quest. All the Vampires are capable of regenerating five hit points per round, so keep that in mind as well.

4 – Chest

Just outside the main structure’s entrance, you’ll discover a chest that can be looted for a small pile of gold, a Masterwork Composite Longbow S2 (adds your strength bonus up to +2), some Silver Arrows, and some Masterwork Arrows.

5 – Vampires

Two more Vampire Spawns and a standard Vampire will emerge from this dark corner as you approach from the north.

6 – Chest

This third chest will provide you with a small pile of gold, some Silver Arrows, some Silver Bolts, and a Scroll of Inflict Critical Wounds. Isn’t it a little too convenient that Vampires would be storing silver weapons at the entrance to their lair?

7 – Chests

A pair of chests sit along the east wall here. Both are unlocked, with the north chest containing a small pile of gold, a Masterwork Greatsword, and a Potion of Shield of Faith +2, and the south chest containing a small pile of gold, some Oil of Flame Arrow, a Scroll of Bear’s Endurance, and a Light Steel Shield +1 called “Axegrinder.”

8 – Vampires

A couple more Vampire Spawns await your party in this southern corridor.

9 – Vampires

A couple more Vampire Spawns await your party in the northern corridor. To proceed farther to the north, you’ll have to pick, break, or Knock a set of locked double doors.

10 – Dragon Statue

This spiraling draconic statue is guarded by two Vampire Spawns.

11 – Bruss

A Vampire Lord named Bruss labels you as “unwelcome guests” before attacking alongside a couple of other Vampires. With 60 hit points, an Armor Class of 24, and access to a large number of potent wizard spells, you’ll find that he’s a formidable opponent. Once he’s received a significant amount of damage (30+), a small army of Vampires will flood the area and you’ll be brought to the “End of Adventure” screen. If you haven’t yet explored the rest of the level and picked up all of the loot, then you should probably just leave Bruss alone until you’ve had a chance to do so.

With the adventure over with, a cutscene between Bruss and your main character will take place. When Bruss notices that you possess the Svernkaegro Seal, he actually thanks you for “eradicating” his brother Tassar and allows your party to live. He then goes on to tell you about an order of monks bearing dragon tattoos that used to worship at this monastery years ago. Bruss drove them out and now the monks dwell far to the east along the Silk Road. Traveling to this destination will trigger the start of Act II.

12 – Chest

This locked room is home to a chest containing a small amount of gold, a stack of Silver Arrows, a stack of Silver Bolts, and a Silver Short Sword +1 called “Lunar Tick.”

13 – Chest

A single Vampire Spawn guards this chest. Once he’s been dealt with, ransack the container for a Nunchaku and a Quarterstaff +2 called “Stick is my Friend.

14 – Trap

Searching the area just beyond this locked door will reveal a trap on the floor.

15 – Vampire Spawn

You’ll have to deal with two more Vampire Spawns before exploring the rest of this dilapitated place of worship.

16 – Vampire Spawn

A bow-wielding Vampire Spawn stands in front of the door leading into the southern chamber.

17 – Vampire

A single Vampire armed with a flail inhabits this chamber. Make sure you explore the room further after he’s been dealt with.

18 – Vampire Lord

When you approach this wall, a section of it slides open and a Vampire Lord will charge out. The creature has 36 hit points and an Armor Class of 23, so expect a somewhat difficult fight.

19 – Chests

Just beyond the Vampire Lord rests two unlocked chests. The north chest contains gold and a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, whereas the south chest contains gold, a Scroll of Lightning Bolt, and a Quarterstaff. Considering that the chests were so well-guarded, it’s surprising that they don’t contain anything better.

20 – Bruss’ Sarcophagus

This chamber houses two red-hot braziers and what is most likely Bruss’ sarcophagus. Other than that, the room is empty.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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