Estmanndal Adventure: The Banner – Dungeons & Dragons Tactics

This guide covers a required adventure in the first act of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics. Below, you’ll find a table with adventure statistics, a map, map legend, and an overview.

dungeons dragons tactics estmanndal adventure the banner map

1 – Arrival
2 – Chest
3 – Wolf Nomad
4 – Wolf Nomad
5 – Chest
6 – Chest
7 – Wolf Nomad and Wolf
8 – Chest
9 – Wolf Nomad
10 – Wolf
11 – Banner Thief


At the frontier fortress of Estmanndal, stop a warband of wolf raiders from stealing the sacred banner of the Vinsaxi.

Adventure Statistics
Party MembersRecm’d LevelTotal MonstersTotal ChestsEnd Reward
61st8450 XP


1 – Arrival

Your party will begin the recovery mission here, with the Banner Thief not far to the east.

2 – Chest

Search the contents of this chest for a sizeable amount of gold, a Potion of Cure Light Wounds, a Buckler, some Arrows, and some Crossbow Bolts.

3 – Wolf Nomad

The first of several Wolf Nomads confronts your party here. Defeating any of the Wolf Nomads on this map will earn your party members 100 experience points each.

4 – Wolf Nomad

Another Wolf Nomad has to be dealt with along this pathway.

5 – Chest

A second chest holds more gold, Masterwork Splint Armor, a Potion of Cure Light Wounds, and a Two Bladed Sword.

6 – Chest

This particular chest holds gold, a Heavy Crossbow, some Crossbow Bolts, and a Light Wooden Shield +1 called “Spearfoe.”

7 – Wolf Nomad and Wolf

Somewhere in this vicinity, you’ll face off against a Wolf Nomad and a Wolf. The Wolf is only worth 50 experience points, as opposed to the 100 you’ll receive for the Wolf Nomad.

8 – Chest

Don’t forget to snatch the gold, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Chainmail Armor, and Greatsword from within this chest.

9 – Wolf Nomad

Yet another Wolf Nomad to take down.

10 – Wolf

A second Wolf attempts to keep your party from reaching the fleeing thief.

11 – Banner Thief

You should finally catch up with the Banner Thief in this vicinity. Slaying him is worth 100 experience points for each party member.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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