Troglodyte Surveyor

dragonshard unit troglodytesurveyor

Troglodyte Surveyors are druids at one with nature, capable of amazing deduction via sensing scents in the air, shifting weather patterns, and minor tremors in the earth. They are also adept with magic, making use of enchanted seeds and manipulating the forces of nature herself.

Cost 95 gold / 50 shards (Troglodyte Surveyor), 75 gold / 100 shards (Collector Burrow)
Armor 65% physical, 0% poison, 65% fire, 65% spell
Abilities Fire Seeds (1), Rapid Resource Gathering (1), See Invisible (1), Locate Resources (2), Greater Fire Seeds (3), Locate Resources (4), Field of Thorns (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (spell)
1 250 80 26
2 280 100 31
3 310 120 36
4 340 140 41
5 370 160 46
5 + Monuments 450 225 56
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