dragonshard unit tribalshaman

The Tribal Shaman represent a sacred order that have served as healers for the Lizardfolk for generations. However, in times of war, the Tribal Shaman not only offer their aid in terms of restorative magic, but they can also instill their allies with the ability to draw energy from those they slay in battle, making them more formidable with each opponent they bring down.

Cost 75 gold / 60 shards (Tribal Shaman), 75 gold / 100 shards (Mystic Hut)
Armor 0% physical, 65% poison, 65% fire, 65% spell
Abilities Regeneration (1), Blood Thirst (2), Greater Regeneration (3), Greater Blood Thirst (4), Shamanic Ritual (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (spell)
1 270 115 18
2 300 135 23
3 330 160 28
4 360 185 33
5 390 215 38
5 + Monuments 470 280 48
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