Spitting Turtle

dragonshard unit spittingturtle

These massive beasts are paired at birth with a chosen troglodyte to serve as their lifelong friends and companions, who in turn guide them and ride them as mounts into battle. Spitting Turtles are valuable both for siege and disruption purposes, as they are equally capable of bringing down walls and buildings as they are filling the battlefield with blinding smoke.

Cost 115 gold / 50 shards (Spitting Turtle), 75 gold / 100 shards (Turtle Den)
Armor 65% physical, 65% poison, 0% fire, 65% spell
Abilities Vile Blast (1), Smoke Screen (2), Greater Vile Blast (3), Greater Smoke Screen (4), Bombard (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (poison)
1 355 40 28
2 385 50 33
3 415 60 43
4 445 70 53
5 475 80 68
5 + Monuments 555 145 78
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