dragonshard unit sorcerer

These wise and learned spellcasters have devoted their lives to the study and pursuit of the arcane to compliment their natural magical gifts, channeling all of their focus and concentration into mastering the maelstrom of energies that lie at their fingertips so that they may support the Order’s agenda abroad.

Cost 80 gold / 70 shards (Sorcerer), 75 gold / 100 shards (Sorcerer’s Tower)
Armor 0% physical, 65% poison, 65% fire, 65% spell
Abilities Fireball (1), Feeblemind (2), Maximized Fireball (3), Greater Feeblemind (4), Meteor Swarm (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (fire)
1 290 110 22
2 320 130 27
3 350 155 32
4 380 180 37
5 410 210 42
5 + Monuments 490 275 52
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