dragonshard unit rogue

Former ruthless thieves and assassins, these Rogues now seek redemption in the service of the Order of the Flame. Swift and cunning, Rogues can quickly dart in and out of the shadows to eliminate foes quickly and efficiently, in addition to being adept at picking locks on chests, and bypassing deadly traps.

Cost 85 gold / 50 shards (Rogue), 75 gold / 100 shards (Tavern)
Armor 70% physical, 70% poison, 20% fire, 70% spell
Abilities Find/Disarm Traps (1), Sneak Attack (2), Cloaking (3), Improved Sneak Attack (4), Silent Strike (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (poison)
1 310 50 20
2 340 60 25
3 370 70 35
4 400 80 45
5 430 90 60
5 + Monuments 510 155 70
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