dragonshard unit ranger

Rangers have been brought by the Order both for their potent ranged marksmanship, and their ability to scout the harsh landscapes of Xen’drik, with the aid of their faithful animal companions.

Cost 100 gold / 50 shards (Ranger), 75 gold / 100 shards (Order of the Bow)
Armor 0% physical, 65% poison, 65% fire, 65% spell
Abilities Caltrops I (1), Animal Companion (2), Caltrops II (3), Greater Animal Companion (4), Snipe (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (poison)
1 350 50 29
2 380 60 34
3 410 70 44
4 440 80 54
5 470 90 69
5 + Monuments 550 155 79
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