dragonshard unit poisonarcher

Poison Archers are bred and trained to relentlessly rain deadly showers of arrows upon their foes. In addition, they are known to often coat their arrowheads with a grim assortment of toxins designed to cause further pain and suffering in their opponents.

Cost 110 gold / 55 shards (Poison Archer), 75 gold / 100 shards (Toxic Bog)
Armor 70% physical, 70% poison, 70% fire, 20% spell
Abilities Trueshot (1), Arrow of Hex (2), Greater Trueshot (3), Greater Arrow of Hex (4), Plague Shot (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (poison)
1 360 45 30
2 390 55 35
3 420 65 40
4 450 75 45
5 480 85 70
5 + Monuments 560 150 80
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