dragonshard unit paladin

Paragons of virtue and devotion, the mounted and heavily armored Paladins dare any adversary to brave to the cold steel of their swords and the iron hooves of their fearless steeds.

Cost 130 gold / 40 shards (Paladin), 75 gold / 100 shards (Order of the Flame)
Armor 70% physical, 20% poison, 70% fire, 70% spell
Abilities Trample (1), Smite (2), Improved Trample (3), Greater Smite (4), Lay on Hands (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (spell)
1 560 60 28
2 590 70 33
3 630 80 38
4 670 90 43
5 720 100 48
5 + Monuments 800 165 58
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