dragonshard unit flamearchon

These divine angelic creatures have come to the aid the Order of the Flame in their quest through Xen’drik. These Flame Archons from the plane of Syrania are capable of hurling deadly javelins of holy fire from above, and blinding all who stand against them with the brilliance of pure energy.

Cost 100 gold / 55 shards (Flame Archon), 75 gold / 100 shards (Archon Temple)
Armor 65% physical, 65% poison, 65% fire, 0% spell
Abilities Javelin of Power (1), Holy Wrath (2), Greater Javelin of Power (3), Greater Holy Wrath (4), Blind (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (fire)
1 370 70 30
2 400 90 35
3 430 110 45
4 460 130 55
5 490 150 70
5 + Monuments 570 215 80
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