Deathless Guardian

dragonshard unit deathlessguardian

When great dwarven mystics at long last succumb to the weight of time, many are granted a continued spiritual presence on the Material Plane in the form of the deathless. The Deathless Guardians that aid the Order are among their number, and seek to aid their followers with their clairvoyance and ability to manipulate the magical energies of others.

Cost 95 gold / 65 shards (Deathless Guardian), 75 gold / 100 shards (Henge of Ancients)
Armor 65% physical, 65% poison, 0% fire, 65% spell
Abilities See Invisible (1), Enervation (1), Dispel Magic (2), Locate Resources (2), Maximized Enervation (3), Greater Dispel Magic (4), Locate Resources (4), Ethereal Form (5)


Level Hit Points Energy Damage (spell)
1 350 90 28
2 380 110 33
3 410 135 38
4 440 160 43
5 470 190 48
5 + Monuments 550 255 58
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