Chameleon Rogue

dragonshard unit chameleonrogue

These curious creatures, adept at remaining still and unnoticed while hunting prey, have adapted these skills to serve the greater cause of the Lizardfolk culture. Armed with the tooth of a fallen Felldrake along with a variety of bizarre tools, this stealthy critter is adept at sneaking in to where he doesn’t belong, disarming traps, and picking locks.

Cost 75 gold / 40 shards (Chameleon Rogue), 75 gold / 100 shards (Hidden Mound)
Armor 20% physical, 70% poison, 70% fire, 70% spell
Abilities Find/Disarm Traps (1), Sneak Attack (2), Cloaking (3), Improved Sneak Attack (4), Crippling Blow (5)
Level Hit Points Energy Damage (physical)
1 290 80 20
2 320 85 25
3 350 90 35
4 380 95 45
5 410 100 60
5 + Monuments 490 165 70
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