Flames of Vengeance The Great Market – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate The Great Market in the Flames of Vengeance expansion for Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

The Great Market Map

divinity ii flames of vengeance the great market map
  • A – The Ministry
  • A1 – Servus
  • A2 – Augustus
  • A3 – Caroline
  • A4 – Jonathan
  • 1 – Hansel
  • 2 – Gina, Gofannon
  • 3 – Willy
  • 4 – Tiffany, Agnes
  • 5 – The Phoenix Inn
  • 6 – Horace
  • 7 – Virginius
  • 8 – Caracalla
  • 9 – Jergos, Ivy
  • 10 – Abandoned Catacombs
  • 11 – Kenzo
  • B – Healers’ House
  • B1 – Key
  • B2 – Decimus
  • B3 – Bernard
  • B4 – Basement

Area Overview

This overview map covers the Great Market of Aleroth. It’s connected to Lanilor Lane (#LL) and Mardaneus Plaza (#MP) and there’s a waypoint shrine (#W) near the Ministry.

A – The Ministry

The Ministry is the large building in the Great Market and you’ll start the Flames of Vengeance part of the game right in front of it. It contains a few chests requiring high-level lockpicking (a level 7 lockpick, has random divine charms and high-level jewelries) and a few useful NPCs.

A1 – Servus

Servus is the squire standing right next to the entrance. He’s got a quest to give called Damsel in Distress.

If you mindread him, you’ll learn that he’s left his good warhammer in his bed chambers in barracks. This enables you to find it there later.

A2 – Augustus

Immediately after you return from the Hall of Echoes, Augustus will welcome you and will want to talk to you about the events that took place in there. After that, you can ask him about the city a bit and the current situation.

Beside him, you’ll see several mages and Zandalor up in the air, sustaining a magical shield that defends the city from the ongoing siege by Damian (if you look at the sky, you’ll notice a bunch of flying fortresses). They won’t be available for a conversation due to the amount of concentration they require to keep up the shield.

You can mindread him in order to gain two stat points.

A3 – Caroline

Caroline is the trainer that resides on the upper floor of the Ministry. Besides the regular skills, she’s the only trainer that can increase your lockpicking skill cap up to 7. There aren’t a whole lot of chests that difficult to picklock, but they’ll surface from time to time. Also, make sure to pick up the iron key that lays on the floor beneath the large drawer as it opens the chest near Jonathan.

If you mindread her, you’ll gain a stat point.

A4 – Jonathan

Jonathan is also a trainer on the opper floor in the Ministry. He doesn’t have a whole lot of special skills to teach you, but may still prove useful. The chest beside him can be opened with a key that’s found on the opposite side of the room, near Caroline.

If you mindread him, you’ll gain a stat point.

1 – Hansel

Hansel is the man standing in front of a caged creature. He claims that the best has entered his home while he was having dinner. He gives the quest Trail of Deceit. His house is located on the Lanilor Lane.

If you mindread Hansel, you’ll learn that some Laeniel is starting to scare him due to weird language he appears to use. If you confront Hansel about it, you’ll learn that he lives in the same house as he does, but on the upper floor.

2 – Gina, Gofannon

Gina and Gofannon are two merchants that sell mostly weapon and armor, respecively. There’s a lot of high-level gear you can buy from them and for quite a price too.

If you mindread them, they’ll lower their prices as the business doesn’t seem to be running that great.

3 – Willy

As you approach the western gate, you’ll encounter a man named Willy trying to convince the guards that there are assassins lurking in his house. If you accept the job, you’ll get a quest called The Swindler Swindled.

4 – Tiffany, Agnes

Tiffany is the jewelry dealer found in the market. You can mindread her in order to lower her prices.

Agnes, the woman that stands near the stall, is a trickster. She plays out a poor girl in order to get free gems and items from the rich. If you mindread her, you can find out about her schemes and extort her to keep your mouth shut or just warn her not to do it anymore. If you blackmail her, you’ll get several gems including one malachite. If you do not mindread her and fall for her trick, she’ll want a ring that costs 500 gold, however you won’t get anything in return.

5 – The Phoenix Inn

As soon as you enter the inn, you’ll see a guard and the bartender arguing about guard’s courage. The guard will then head to the ghost to prove his courage, but will fail to do so and runs away from the scene. Talk to Ricky the bartender to learn a few things about his inn.

There’s the ghost that scares people, but doesn’t really harm them and if you mindread him, there’s someone named Halliwell who rented a haunted room upstairs and that’s when the weird noises started coming from that room and he’ll also reveal the location of a certain key in Lanilor Lane, under the bridge that unlocks top floor room. You can also grab a quest from Ricky called In Reminiscence of the Past. Talk to Flora, the female guard nearby, and mindread her to get her sub-part of the side quest called Mind Over Matter.

To the left of the inn you’ll find a cook. You’ll get +1 dexterity if you mindread him. In addition, Bourdain has a quest called Everybody’s a Critic.

As you head upstairs, stop by Hannibal the ghost first and mindread him if you want a hint on how to arrange the paintings in one of the upper rooms. Also, make sure to pick up a key on the stool nearby. Head left after the stairs and unlock the door to find Bedwyn, a skeletal enchanter. He’s also a merchant who sells a few powerful unique items. You can get the quest Fire ’em Up! and if you mindread him, his part of Mind Over Matter.

The top room, besides the obvious slaughter, has a few paintings in the backroom that need to be moved around in order to get a reward. Raise the first picture on the left once and the right picture twice. A small lockbox will appear that contains Order of the Viper helmet.

6 – Horace

Horace is a merchant who deals in gems and ores. You can mindread him just like every other merchant to lower his prices. Malachite gems that he sells might be a worthwhile investment as they are quite rare and are needed for the best enchants.

7 – Virginius

This guard can answer a few questions you might have, regarding the shops throughout Aleroth.

If you mindread him, you’ll get a subquest of the quest Mind Over Matter.

8 – Caracalla

Caracalla is the vengeful spirit that shouts above his corpse. He gives the quest Spectre at the Feast. You can also loot a key from his corpse which can be used later during that quest.

9 – Jergos, Ivy

Jergos is the potion dealer in the market. Mindread him if you want him to lower his prices.

Ivy is the herb merchant with a stand right next to him. You can also mindread her to lower her prices if you wish to.

10 – Abandoned Catacombs

This fairly small dungeon is accessed through the trapdoor near the pyre. It’s a very nice place to gather up some experience, as the enemies are pretty weak. The dungeon eventually forks into two corridors each culminating with a chest filled with gold and a high-level charm.

11 – Kenzo

On your way to Mardaneus Plaza, you’ll be interrupted with a scenario of a man going to be executed by the two guards because he’s allegedly affiliated with the Black Ring. Take the situation in your hands and offer yourself to interrogate the man instead.

This means that you can just mindread Kenzo and find out about his plans and that he’s indeed a Black Ring spy as the letters were addressed to him. Unfortunately, he’ll overpower the guards and run away

B – Healers’ House

Healers’ House is the building in the western part of the market, designed to help the victims of war.

B1 – Key

The key found under the bed opens the chest to the right. It doesn’t have anything extravagant, just gold and a few gems.

B2 – Decimus

Decimus is a wounded knight who gives the quest Eternal Commitment.

If you mindread him, you’ll learn that his stash is located downstairs, with his good pair of gloves hidden among the other items.

B3 – Bernard

Bernard is the leader within the healers’ ring in the house. He’s found upstairs and as soon as you get close to him, he’ll initiate a conversation and offer you a quest called An Appetite for Murder. You can ask him about the room downstairs, but he won’t be able to give you the correct password. You’ll need to find a certain healer in Mardaneus Plaza for it, but you’ll still get Decimus’ key from him. Also, make sure to mindread Bernard to get his part of the quest Mind over Matter.

Besides Bernard, there’s a hidden key to the right of the room, and a hidden note as well behind the desk. The key obviously unlocks his chest in the other corner of the room, but the note only has a cryptic message which will be used later.

B4 – Basement

You’ll only reach the basement after you get the password from Peter who’s found in Mardaneus Plaza. There’s a chest in there that has Decimus’ possessions, most notably his gloves (from the Shadow Archer set). The key to it is given by Bernard upstairs. You’ll also meet Kelton who gives the quest Something Rotten.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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