Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium – A Colossal Game

With Disco Elysium launching in a few weeks, we get a developer blog that outlines just how big this innovative detective RPG is going to be. The developers expect an average playthrough to take about 60 hours, with multiple playthroughs…

Disco Elysium Release Date Announced

After spending over a decade in development, ZA/UM Studio’s ambitious, and some might say groundbreaking, detective RPG Disco Elysium, can finally boast a proper release date. So, if the prospect of becoming a hard-boiled detective and solving a gruesome murder…

Disco Elysium – Choose Your Own Misadventure, Part 2

The second part of Canard PC’s feature dedicated to ZA/UM Studio’s upcoming detective RPG Disco Elysium brings us an interview with Robert Kurvitz, the game’s lead designer and writer. The official developer blog offers an English translation and lets us…

Disco Elysium – Choose Your Own Misadventure, Part 1

It’s been a while since we heard anything about ZA/UM Studio’s intriguing detective RPG Disco Elysium, but if you head on over to the game’s developer blog right now, you’ll find a recent article previously published by Canard PC, a…

Disco Elysium Preview Impressions

During this year’s GDC, an RPG Codex representative got a chance to take an early build of ZA/UM Studio’s detective RPG Disco Elysium out for a spin and chat with the game’s developers. As a result, you can now check…

Disco Elysium – Meet Joyce L. Messier

Last month, a developer blog post for ZA/UM Studio’s detective RPG Disco Elysium introduced us to Evrart Claire, a union foreman and mob boss who you’ll be meeting during your investigation. And now, a fresh post in that “Faces of…

Disco Elysium – Faces of Revachol

The latest developer blog post for ZA/UM Studio’s upcoming detective RPG Disco Elysium introduces us to one of the game’s prominent characters – Evrart Claire – a Dockworkers’ Union foreman and a local mob boss who you’ll have to deal…

Disco Elysium – From Render to Paintover

It’s been a while since we heard anything new about ZA/UM Studio’s upcoming detective RPG Disco Elysium. As such, this developer blog post dedicated to Disco Elysium’s unique visuals may be of interest to those of you following the game’s…

RPGs to Look Forward to in 2019 – PC Gamer

The editors over at PC Gamer have put together a list of RPGs they’re looking forward to in 2019. This list includes Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds, ZA/UM Studio’s Disco Elysium, inXile Entertainment’s Wasteland 3, as well as a number…