Martinaise West Overview – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you navigate the Martinaise West area in Disco Elysium.

Martinaise West Map

disco elysium martinaise west map

Area Overview

1 – Containers

You’ll discover two containers here. The first requires Perception to detect, and inside you’ll find Magnesium. The second requires Chaincutters or a Prybar to open, and inside you’ll find Jamrock Biker-Cop Sunnies.

2 – Sunken Motor Carriage

No matter what time it is when you examine the wrecked car here, you’ll have to wait for low tide before you can do anything with it. This will take two hours, and there isn’t any way to avoid it. But while you’re waiting, you’ll get to talk to Kim. If you pass a Drama check, then you’ll whistle a tune, which will heal your Morale. If you fail, then Kim will whistle something instead, which will have the same effect.

Eventually, the tide will recede, and you’ll realize that the car is yours. This will cost you a point of Morale, plus complete the task Find the Traffic Hooligan. You won’t be able to salvage your car, but inside it you’ll find RCM Badge “LTN-2JFR Du Bois” — that is, your badge, which you’ll need for the task Track Down Your Badge — plus an RCM Commander’s Jacket.

On the ground right next to the wreck, you’ll find a Banged-Up Fuel Canister. You’ll need it for the task Add Even More Beauty to the Wall.

3 – Tarpaulin

Under the tarpaulin here, you’ll find the tape Smallest Church in Saint-Saens, which you’ll need for the task Sing Karaoke.

4 – Boat

You’ll find a boat under a tarpaulin here. With enough Visual Calculus, you’ll decide that you could sleep in it, but this isn’t actually possible. For a free place to stay, see Isobel (#12) and her shack (#11).

5 – Shack

Inside this shack, you’ll find a Bow Knot and the postcard Coal City ’08.

6 – Sack

Inside this sack, you’ll find Interisolary Trousers.

7 – Bench

You’ll find a bench here. It’s exactly like the bench in Martinaise East. If Kim isn’t with you, then you’ll be able to sit on the bench and pass some time (up to an hour).

8 – Unfinished House

You’ll discover a crate inside this house. You’ll need Chaincutters or a Prybar to open it. Inside, you’ll find Magnesium and money. Behind the house, if you’ve completed the task Find Speed and Sniff it, then you’ll find PREPTIDE! in a barrel.

9 – Drunks (aka the Union of Moribund Alcoholics)

At this camp, you’ll meet a trio of drunks:

  • Don’t Call Abigail. He’ll just tell you not to call Abigail, no matter what you say to him.
  • Idiot Doom Spiral (aka George). After you’ve examined your wrecked car (#2), he’ll tell you in great detail how you crashed it, then christened yourself Tequila Sunset, and then partied with him and his friends for the rest of the night. If you give Idiot Doom Spiral alcohol, then he’ll tell you up to three more stories: the Tale of How He Got His Name, the Tale of the Headless FALN Rider, and the Tale of the Cocaine Skull. After hearing the first story, if you ask Idiot Doom Spiral why he keeps losing things, then he’ll mention he also lost his jacket. If you offer to look for it, then you’ll trigger the task Find Idiot Doom Spiral’s Jacket.

    Idiot Doom Spiral is also involved in the tasks Get Two Signatures for Evrart and Become a Man of Plenty.
  • Rosemary. He’ll sell you Alcohol “Potent Pilsner” and Smokes “Astra” for prices cheaper than the Frittte shop in Martinaise East. He’ll also have a Speed Bottle and a Blue Medicinal Spirit available, although he’ll try to charge you 300 real for the latter. If you ask Rosemary why the Blue Medicinal Spirit is so expensive, and if you let him ramble on about it for a while, then eventually he’ll offer it to you for only 3 real. You’ll need the spirit for the task Spirit Is Eternal.

Note: Your Horrific Necktie will love the drunks here, and it’ll interject itself into your conversations with them in several places.

10 – Lilienne Carter

You’ll meet Lilienne here. She’ll be taking a break from tarring her skiff (which will eventually turn into Exit B). If you pass a Suggestion check with her, then you’ll trigger the task Meet Lilienne at Land’s End. You’ll have an easier time with the check if Kim isn’t with you, if you explore Land’s End (the northern part of the map) first, and if you’re wearing a Bow Knot, an Interisolary Dress Shirt, and Interisolary Trousers (which will give you Dresscode: Man of Charms).

Lilienne is also involved in the tasks Get Two Signatures for Evrart and Go to the Island.

In the bucket right behind Lilienne, you’ll find Franconigerian Cavalry Boots.

11 – Isobel’s Shack

This shack will start out locked. You’ll only be able to enter it (and sleep in it) if Isobel (#12) gives you the key. Inside, you’ll find a mirror (exactly like the one in the Whirling-in-Rags), a washbasin, and a Korojev Jacket. Interacting with the washbasin will allow you to shave, provided you can beat a Hand/Eye Coordination check. Nothing in the game will really change if you shave yourself, other than your character model and your portrait. However, if you ask Kim about your new look, then he’ll tell you that he liked the mutton chops better.

When you walk around in the shack, you might get a Perception thought orb letting you know that the floorboards are creaky. Then when you examine items in the shack, you might get a Shivers thought orb telling you to “look under the floorboards.” This is all misleading. You’ll only be able to search under the floorboards during the task Ask about Ruby in the Village, at which point you’ll find a 9mm Bullet.

12 – Washerwoman (aka Isobel Sadie)

Isobel will tell you about the area, and if you ask her if there’s any place to stay, then she’ll give you the Key to Shack on the Coast (#11), and she’ll allow you to use it for free. This will give you a place to sleep at night other than the Whirling-in-Rags. Isobel is also involved in the tasks Ask about Ruby in the VillageFind Idiot Doom Spiral’s Jacket, and Get Two Signatures for Evrart.

13 – Twins

You’ll meet Lilienne’s (#10) twin boys here. They’re involved in the tasks Ask Lilienne’s Twins about the Island and Work with the Children of the Big Sea.

14 – Lilienne’s House

Inside this house, you’ll meet Lilienne’s (#10) daughter, Little Lily. If you ask her permission to take the Ruffed Grouse Taxidermy hanging from the ceiling, then she’ll grant it, which will trigger the task Take Stuffed Bird to Garte. You can also just steal the grouse and give it to Garte. If you ask Lily about the toy she’s holding, and if you notice that it looks soft, then she’ll let you touch it, which will heal a point of your Morale. Lily is also involved in the task Find the Armoured Gloves.

Just outside the house, if you have 7 Perception, then you’ll find the book A Primer for Small Kids.

15 – Box

Inside this box, you’ll find a FALN “Pipo” Pipo.

16 – Bullet-Ridden Wall

If you pass a Visual Calculus check with this wall, then you’ll recognize that executions were performed here.

17 – Boathouse

Inside this boathouse, you’ll find Magnesium and Oversized Superstar Sunglasses.

18 – Morell and Gary

At this spot, you’ll meet Morell the Cryptozoologist and Gary the Cryptofascist:

19 – Grates

In the two grates here, you’ll find Nosaphed and some money. To open the grates, you’ll need Chaincutters or a Prybar.

20 – Trant Heidelstam / Mural

You’ll meet Trant Heidelstam and his son Mikael here. They’ll be admiring the Feld Building and the mural on its southern wall. Trant will tell you about Feld Electrical and the tape computer it was developing. Mikael won’t say much of anything. Your conversation with Trant will eventually lead to the Wompty-Dompty Dom Centre. With Encyclopedia 2, you’ll be able to ask him for details about it, which will unlock the thought Wompty-Dompty Dom Centre.

21 – Payphone

You’ll be able to make random phone calls here for ten cents each. After four calls, you’ll have to pass a “medium” Interfacing check to continue. From that point on, you’ll only dial the (extremely long) number for your ex, Dora. Dora might tell you a few things about herself, but you’ll also detect that she’s with another man, and many of your dialogue options will lead to you losing Morale. If you keep calling Dora, then eventually she’ll stop answering. Afterwards, if you punch the payphone, then you’ll lose Health, unless you have 4 Electrochemistry, and then you’ll gain Health.

22 – Jacket

You’ll find a Filthy Jacket hanging on the fence here. You’ll need it for the task Find Idiot Doom Spiral’s Jacket. If you interact with the jacket, then you’ll lose a point of Morale.

23 – Box

Inside this box, you’ll find Mega-Bino’s Prescription Lenses.

24 – Box

You’ll need Chaincutters or a Prybar to open this box. Inside, you’ll find the postcard Couron ’33.

25 – Working Class Corpse

You’ll find a dead man here. When you examine him, you’ll find a Folded Library Card in his pocket, and you’ll determine that he died when he fell through some weak boards in the boardwalk and hit his head on the nearby metal bench. You won’t learn anything useful from the trash can next to him. If you’ve triggered the task Find Working Class Husband, then you’ll recognize the corpse from his wife’s description, which will complete the task. If you haven’t yet triggered the task, then finding the corpse here will prevent you from doing so.

After examining the corpse, you’ll have to decide if you want to identify it on your own, or if you want officers from Kim’s precinct to deal with it. This will trigger one of two tasks: Dead Body on the Boardwalk (for the former) or Report the Dead Body to the Station (for the latter). If Kim isn’t with you, then you’ll have to complete the task Return to the Dead Body with Kim first.

26 – Box

Inside this box, you’ll find a White Polo Shirt and some money.

27 – Depot

You won’t be able to open the door to this depot, even if you pass the “impossible” Interfacing check attached to it. With 4 Conceptualization, attempting (and failing) to open the door will unlock the thought One More Door.

28 – Box

Inside this box, you’ll find a Scented Scarf.

29 – Shivers Thought Orb

If it’s snowing when you enter this part of the map (which seems to encompass just about everything between the Feld Building, Exit D, and the Dolorian Church of Humanity, Exit C), and if you have at least 5 Shivers, then you should get a Shivers thought orb above your head. If you click on it, then you’ll receive information about the regions surrounding Martinaise. If you ask what’s below you, then you’ll learn that someone hid a Polar Anorak inside the Feld Building. Receiving this hint is the only way you’ll be able to find the garment when you visit the Feld Building later in the game.

30 – Posts

With at least 5 Perception, you’ll be able to examine a post here. You’ll discover that it has holes in it filled with change. This will allow you to loot all of the posts nearby, which will net you Alcohol “Potent Pilsner” plus Magnesium and nearly 5 real.

31 – Pile of Eternite

If you push the eternite over, then you’ll create a bridge giving you easier access to the tent (#32).

32 – Tent / Ravers

You’ll meet three “music venue organizers” inside this tent:

  • Andre. He’s the leader of the group. He’ll tell you about the Dolorian Church of Humanity (Exit C), and he’ll ask you to clear it out so he and his fellow ravers can start a nightclub there. This will trigger the task Help Ravers Start a Nightclub.

    After examining all of the potential drug ingredients in the tent, you should ask Andre about them. When you get to the Nosaphed Ultra, you can ask him for some, and he’ll give you Nosaphed. Afterwards, if you pass a “godly” Logic check, then you’ll be able to confront Andre about the ingredients, and you’ll learn that he wants to use the church as a drug lab as well as a nightclub. This will give you several options: you can blackmail the ravers, you can arrest them, you can evict them, you can force them to run their nightclub without the drug lab, or you can let them proceed as they intended (as a “partner” or not). If you evict or arrest the ravers, then they’ll disappear from the game, and you’ll miss out on several tasks. All of the other options will allow the ravers to continue with their nightclub, and you won’t miss out on anything.

    Note: If you become a partner (after asking for two bribes first), then you won’t actually get any extra money out the ravers. The game will end before they start making a profit, so it won’t make any difference what percentage you ask for.
  • Egg Head. He’ll spout some variation of “hard core” every time you talk to him. To get him to use actual sentences, not to mention respond to what you’re saying, you’ll need to complete the task Solve the Egg Head Puzzle. Afterwards, you’ll be able to help him improve the music that he’s playing. This covered in the task Make van Eyck’s Jam Harder Core. Working through that task will unlock the thought Arno van Eyck. Finally, if you ask Egg Head if he’s a thought reader, then you’ll be able to convert him to one of your political beliefs. This can heal your Morale.

    Egg Head is also involved in the task Help Soona with Her Project.
  • Noid. His main task is Sync Sines with Noid. After completing that task, you’ll be able to discuss a lot of topics with Noid, including Dolores Dei, architecture, his name (which is short for Paranoid), and his clothes. If you ask him what he’s most suspicious of, then he’ll point out the “left-right complex.” This will lead to him mentioning “true lives” and “hard core life.” When you ask him to elaborate on those topics, you’ll get a “godly” Conceptualization check. Passing the check will unlock the thought Hardcore Aesthetic.

    Noid is also involved in the task Take on *La Responsibilite*.

Note: You should talk to Acele (#33) before talking to the ravers here. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on the task What Is Anodic Music?

Another Note: After completing the task Help Ravers Start a Nightclub, the ravers will move into the Dolorian Church of Humanity (Exit C).

33 – Acele Berger

You’ll meet Acele here. She’ll tell you that she’s using a contact mic to record sounds in the ice. If you have 4 Encyclopedia, then you’ll be able to tell her about the boxer Contact Mike, and encourage her to be more like him. This will unlock the thought The Litany of Contact Mike. Talking to Acele can also trigger the task What Is Anodic Music?

You’ll also notice that Acele is out in the cold without a hat. If you try to get her to wear one, and if she swears at you, then you’ll get a red “heroic” Authority check to yell at her about her language. If you pass the check, then she’ll apologize. If you fail the check, then you’ll go on a major rant and start crying, which will cause Acele to apologize and also trigger a conversation between you and Kim about your feelings. At some point, you might also give Acele the hat that you’re wearing. If you do this, then you’ll lose the hat for good (so wear some hat you don’t like when you approach her). Giving away your hat won’t gain you anything.

After talking to Acele’s friends in the nearby tent (#32), you’ll be able to ask her about them, which will trigger the task Get Acele to Talk about Her Associates. Afterwards, you’ll be able to ask Acele about herself. She’ll call herself a “silver bird,” but she’ll stop there. To learn more about her, you’ll need to pass a “legendary” Reaction Speed check. When you succeed, Acele will reveal that her father was in organized crime, and that when he died, she and her mother had to go into hiding. She’ll also mention that she told the Dockworkers’ Union about the ravers’ plan to build a drug lab, and that they gave their consent. This will trigger the task Ask Evrart about Acele and the Drug Lab.

If you complete the task Help Ravers Start a Nightclub, then Acele and the ravers will move into the Dolorian Church of Humanity (Exit C).

34 – Seagull

With a high enough Endurance, a thought orb will appear over your head when you reach this part of the map. If you click on it, then Endurance will compare you to a nearby seagull. If you agree that you are like a seagull, then you’ll heal a point of Health and Morale.


  1. Water Lock / Canal Bridge. This bridge will connect you to Martinaise East.
  2. Lilienne’s skiff. This is how you’ll eventually reach the Island to the north. However, you won’t be able to use the skiff until you’ve triggered the task Go to the Island, which won’t happen until late in the game.
  3. Entrance to the Dolorian Church of Humanity. When you examine the door, you’ll notice a sticker on the padlock. If you pass an “easy” Interfacing check, and if you put the sticker on or in your ledger, then you’ll complete the task Style Your Paperwork.

    You’ll also get a Physical Instrument check to force open the padlock. Equipping a Prybar will make this check easier, but beware! If you pass the check, then you’ll break the Prybar (even if you didn’t have it equipped), and it’ll disappear from your inventory. Failing the check won’t harm anything. To enter the church, you’ll need to get the key from the ravers in the nearby tent (#32).
  4. Entrances to the Feld Building. You won’t be able to enter this building until you’ve triggered the task Look for Ruby on the Coast, which won’t happen until late in the game.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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