Explore the Whirling’s Secret Passages – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Explore the Whirling’s Secret Passages task in Disco Elysium.

Explore the Whirling’s Secret Passages Map

disco elysium explore the whirlings secret passages map
  1. Locked Blue Door
  2. Cook
  3. Garte
  4. Window
  5. Klaasje’s Room
  6. Footprints
  7. Peephole

Explore the Whirling’s Secret Passages Walkthrough


There are two ways to trigger this task, both in the Whirling-in-Rags: by examining the locked blue door in the kitchen (#1), or by examining the barred door on the roof (Exit E).


You’ll have to open one of the doors listed above to reach the “secret” part of the Whirling-in-Rags:

  • Blue door (#1). You’ll need to locate the right key to open this door. Garte (#3) won’t know where it is, and neither will the cook (#2). You won’t be able to find the key until after you’ve completed the task Prove Your Authority to Titus Hardie. At that point, if you examine the large window behind Titus (#4), and if you pass a Perception check, then you’ll spot a key hanging on the bush behind the window, and Theo (one of the Hardie Boys) will grab it for you. This key will unlock the door.

    Note: If you pass the Perception check before completing the task, then the game will just tell you to try again later.
  • Barred door (Exit E). To open this door, you’ll need to pass a Physical Instrument check. However, to reach it on the roof, you’ll need to complete the task Prove Your Authority to Titus Hardie. At that point, Klaasje will finally let you into her room (#5), which will give you a route to the roof (via Exits C and D).

The secret part of the Whirling-in-Rags consists of a pair of long-abandoned rooms (that once belonged to East Delta Pinball) connected by a freight elevator (Exit A). However, in the upper room you’ll find footprints that are no more than three weeks old (#6). They’ll lead between the freight elevator and a small peephole looking into Klaasje’s bedroom (#7), but they’ll be different than the footprints at the crime scene, meaning you might have a new suspect to consider. Examining the footprints will complete the task and earn you 30 xp.


  1. Freight elevator.
  2. Stairs between Levels 1 and 2.
  3. Stairs between Levels 2 and 3.
  4. Stairs between Level 3 and the Roof.
  5. Barred door.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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