Half Light

disco elysium skill phy halflight

Physique Skill

Let the body take control. Threaten people.

Cool for high-strung investigators, shoot-now-ask-questions-later cops, surprise haters.

Half Light is your fight-or-flight response. It enables you to sense the way situations are about to turn. It injects palpable fear into your heart —- fear that urges you to act before it’s too late to act ever again, fear that makes you frighten others. It is the aggression that lets you squeeze every last drop of information out of a witness.

At high levels, Half Light makes you ultra-attuned to the world. It is perpetual fear —- of your own shadow, of someone else’s name or scent. You’ll be ready, always, to pounce and physically interrogate passers-by. At low levels, however, you’ll find your survival instinct is lacking. And your methods limp-wristed. Those who respect violence will not respect you.

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