Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium – Similar and Upcoming Titles

Seeing how the original developers behind Disco Elysium are currently embroiled in a series of legal battles over the intellectual properties surrounding the game, there’s little chance Disco Elysium 2 will be releasing anytime soon. And if that does happen,…

RPG Titles Ranked

As someone who has to, on a regular basis, deal with plenty of RPGs and their oftentimes unwieldy titles, I couldn’t help but appreciate this PC Gamer article that presents us with a new kind of ranking system created specifically…

Disco Elysium – Setting’s Origins

What with ZA/UM Studio and the actual people behind Disco Elysium currently butting heads in the court of law, you might be interested in learning where and how it all began. If that’s the case, this recent Medium post from…

Olga Moskvina Interview

Olga Moskvina was one of the writers on ZA/UM Studio’s narrative RPG Disco Elysium. At the moment, she’s employed as a senior writer over at Digimancy Entertainment, a studio founded by George Ziets. And while we’re yet to see any…

GB Feature: Disco Elysium Subsite Launched

Many CPRGs have been inspired by the Infinity Engine series, but when that game is rife with player choice, chock-full of character development options, beautifully crafted with a unique art style, and comes with a heavy dose of cerebral fortitude,…

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut Anniversary Update

In order to celebrate one year since the release of Disco Elysium’s The Final Cut update, ZA/UM Studio offers their detective RPG at 65% off until April 4, 2022. The Steam announcement accompanying this sale lists the main new features…

RPG TV Series Update

Earlier this year, we learned that Jonathan Nolan’s Fallout TV series was an actual thing that was happening and not just a deal that was signed to then never see the light of day. With that being the case, there’s…