Diablo II

Diablo II v1.13d Patch Released

Diablo community manager “Bashiok” brings the good news that the team has released a new v1.13d patch for Diablo II and Lord of Destruction, and once again I’m left wondering if any other company has supported a video game well…

BlizzCon 2011 Day One Highlights Video

Those of us unable to attend last weekend’s BlizzCon can at least get a taste of the events that transpired there, courtesy of this new “day one” highlights video.  Maybe next year I’ll make a point of getting out there…

Blizzard Entertainment 20-Year History Video

All of the Blizzard-developed titles between 1991 and 2011 are represented in this new 20-year history video, as well as the company’s Make a Wish contributions, the enormous e-tournaments that StarCraft has sparked, and the last few BlizzCon events. A…

Diablo 15-Year Retrospective Video

To ensure that even long-time Diablo veterans are intimately familiar with the series’ successful history and to celebrate the franchise’s fifteen-year anniversary, Blizzard Entertainment has prepared a new four-minute retrospective video that takes us from the action RPG’s humble beginnings…

Blizzard Entertainment Titles Head to Southeast Asia

Blizzard Entertainment and AsiaSoft have kicked over a joint press release announcing that the latter will be distributing all of the former’s titles – including Diablo III and World of Warcraft – in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, at least for…

Blizzard Entertainment Customer Support Heads to YouTube

If you find yourself running into problems within World of Warcraft, Diablo III, or any of Blizzard’s other titles, you might want to check out this brand new Blizzard Entertainment Customer Support channel on YouTube to see if it contains…

Torchlight II Interview

Diablo 3’s real money auction house, Torchlight 2’s DRM and always-online requirements for single players games are all subjects tackled by Runic Games’ Max Schaefer in this interesting one-page interview IncGamers served us today. Here’s an excerpt: Regarding the always-on…

Blizzard Entertainment Considering iOS Development

I doubt we’ll be playing Diablo or World of Warcraft on an iPhone or iPad in the near future, but according to this brief interview with Blizzard Entertainment’s Greg Street on Eurogamer, the company is at least interested in porting…

Diablo Lore Video Series, Part One

To better prepare us for Diablo III, Force Strategy Gaming has kicked off a new artwork-laden video series that covers the series’ back history, the conflict between heaven and hell, and more in significant detail. Part one is over seven…