Diablo II

Blizzard’s Core Game Design Concepts

Gamasutra has put together a summary of the panel discussion that Blizzard’s Rob Pardo gave this week during the Game Developers Conference. The topic was the company’s “core design concepts”, which one could argue are the best in the industry…

Diablo II v1.13b Patch Hits the PTR

Testing of the original Diablo II v1.13 patch on the public test realm has come to a close, though Blizzard has now released a v1.13b patch that addresses some last-minute bugs and balancing issues (while adding an interesting twist to…

Battle.net Interview

IGN is hosting a five-minute video interview with Blizzard’s Greg Canessa that focuses entirely on what we should expect from their Battle.net relaunch later this year. During the interview, Greg discusses the three key design goals that they have for…

Original Diablo II Painting Pictured

I’m not sure that I’ll ever forget what the Diablo II box art looked like when I brought it and Icewind Dale home so many years ago, but thanks to Twitpic, we now at least know what the original painting…

Diablo Player Economies Analyzed

DiabloFans.com has cranked out an editorial that provides a brief analysis of the player economies that exist in Diablo and Diablo II, as well as what we might expect from Diablo III’s player economy with the added features brought by…

A Decade of Diablo

Did you know that today is the 13th anniversary of the original Diablo?  To celebrate such a momentous occasion, DiabloFans.com has put together a “Decade of Diablo” editorial that briefly takes us through important Diablo-related happenings from the pre-2000 years until…

Big Download’s Best PC Games of the Decade

With only a couple of weeks to go until we start a new decade, Big Download thought they’d put together a list of what they feel are the twenty-six finest PC games released over the last ten years. Included among them are…

Diablo II v1.13 Patch Goes Live on PTR

According to this post by Diablo community manager “Bashiok”, the long-awaited Diablo II v1.13 patch is now live on the game’s public test realm. A FAQ and full patch notes to follow: (We traveled for an eternity…) – Marius Travel…

PC Games of the Decade

The Sydney Morning Herald has put together what essentially amounts to a “top 5 PC games from the past 10 years” article.  There are a couple of obvious omissions, but at least three of the five are role-playing games: Baldur’s Gate…

BlizzCast Episode 11

Blizzard Entertainment has released an eleventh BlizzCast episode, with its sole focus being a roundtable discussion with several of the team members that played crucial roles in making this year’s BlizzCon a success. Rob: The audience interaction really adds a…