Deus Ex

Big Download’s Best PC Games of the Decade

With only a couple of weeks to go until we start a new decade, Big Download thought they’d put together a list of what they feel are the twenty-six finest PC games released over the last ten years. Included among them are…

Deus Ex The Nameless Mod ‘Final’ Released

The team behind the popular “The Nameless Mod” for Deus Ex has released what they’re calling the “final” build, or version 1.04 for anyone who is keeping track. In the event that you’ve never downloaded it before, here’s what you…

PC Games of the Decade

The Sydney Morning Herald has put together what essentially amounts to a “top 5 PC games from the past 10 years” article.  There are a couple of obvious omissions, but at least three of the five are role-playing games: Baldur’s Gate…

Warren Spector Interview

While the main focus is on the steampunk-styled Epic Mickey title he’s currently working on, this new interview with Warren Spector on Variety covers a little Deus Ex ground. A Deus Ex spiritual successor? Count me in: Spector actually didn’t…

The Making of Deus Ex

Edge Online has cranked out another one of their “Making Of” features, with the latest installment covering the development history of Ion Storm’s original Deus Ex – as told by Warren Spector himself. But Spector admits there were interactions between…

The Big Quest(ion)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has kicked up an analysis of the side quests we’re typically given during role-playing games, and how they could be improved upon if developers allow them to have a real impact on the game world. Mass Effect,…

Eidos Wants to Honor the Heritage of Deus Ex

Electronic Theatre brings word that Eidos president Ian Livingstone is “very concerned” about honoring the heritage of Deus Ex with the third installment, so we shouldn’t expect a release date anytime soon. Questioned about his own interest in Role-Playing Games…