Deus Ex: Invisible War

Deus Ex: Invisible War Xbox Preview

The guys at TeamXbox have written up a preview of the Xbox version of Deus Ex: Invisible War, in which they have many positive comments and this to say in their conclusion: At this point all we can say is.where…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Developer Diary #3

The third Deus Ex: Invisible War developer diary is available at LoadedInc, this time written by project director Harvey Smith. Check it out: Basically, before we even get to the playtesting level, we review the game maps as a group…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Interview, Part Two

RPGVault has dished up part two of a new Deus Ex: Invisible War interview, this time with Lead Writer Sheldon Pacotti, Designer Kent Hudson, Writer Sarah Paetsch, Lead Designer Ricardo Bare, Designer Steve Powers, and Programmer Matt Baer. Check it…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Designer Diary

Deux Ex: Invisible War’s project director Harvey Smith and designer Kent Hudson talk about the upcoming sequel in a new designer diary on IGN. Check it out: A crucial component of our physics-sound system was giving as much control as…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Demo

Fileplanet is hosting a brand new 224 MB demo of Ion Storm’s Deus Ex: Invisible War. Here’s the description from their site: Wage War As YOU Choose! FilePlanet users are invited to preview the demo of Deus Ex: INVISIBLE WAR,…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Preview

1Up has put together a preview of Ion Storm’s Deus Ex: Invisible War, which should be available during the first week of December. An excerpt: Right now I’ve barely scratched the surface of Deus Ex, but I am thus far,…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Hands-On Preview

Gamehelper has put together a hands-on preview of Deus Ex: Invisible War, in which they have quite a few good things to say about Ion Storm’s upcoming sequel. Check it out: The sheer vastness of Deus Ex: Invisible War left…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Interview, Part One

RPGVault has dished up part one of a new Deus Ex: Invisible War interview with Project Director Harvey Smith, Studio Director Warren Spector, Programmer Matt Baer, Lead Designer Ricardo Bare, Lead Writer Sheldon Pacotti, Writer Sarah Paetsch, and Designer Steve…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Preview

Ion Storm’s Deus Ex: Invisible War won’t be on store shelves for a couple of weeks yet, but Firing Squad has a hands-on preview to get you started. An excerpt to follow: When you finally get down to the action,…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Q&A

German website GBase sat down with Ion Storm’s Warren Spector for a lengthy Q&A session about the upcoming Deus Ex: Invisible War. Check it out: Q: How much missions you can choose between at one moment? A: When you`re in…