Head out of the elevator room, and jump down the series of ladders until you reach the platform with the two bull heads. You’ll use these throughout this section — to make them move, simply whack the head that’s facing the direction you want to move. Use the bull-platform to cross the chasm, then go through the doorway on the far side.
In the next room, break the boxes to uncover a Life Seed, then head out the southwest doorway. Get on the bull-platform and whack your way across the chasm.
Secret: On the other side, climb the ladder to the northeast, and make your way around the platform until you can do a drop-attack onto the metal circle on the floor below. Follow the hidden path to grab a Large Soul Mass, then drop down and head east to climb up the ladder.
Attack while falling to enter the secret
Get on the nearby bull-platform, and use it to head southwest. On the other side, get on the other bull-platform just south of you, and take it across. Climb the ladder, then cross once more using the nearby bull-platform, and use your fire spell to light the brazier on the other side. Drop down and enter the gate you just opened, and grab the Large Soul Mass inside.
Then head though the doorway to the southwest. Go south to the bull-platform, and begin heading northwest on it. Use your fire spell to light the braziers that you pass (lighting the western ones will open the gates and allow you to light the eastern ones). Once you reach the end of the line heading northwest on the platform, get off and head southeast to grab the Large Soul Mass. Then go through the doorway at the northern end of the room.
Head down the stairs and hop on the conveyor (crowveyor?) belt and ride it to the end, then get off and head through the nearby doorway. Take the bull-platform across in the next room.
Stand on the northeastern edge of the platform and shoot your bow at the platform across the chasm until you can get on it (break nearby pots if you need more energy).
Cross using your new platform, and climb up the nearby ladder. Make your way west/southwest and across the pipes to find another Vitality Crystal shrine. Then drop down heading southeast and break the nearby boxes to grab a Life Seed. Stand near the two metal plates on either side of the landing to bring the bull-platform to you, then ride it across.
Take the northwestern platform next, and exit this room on the other side. You’ll encounter our now familiar friend the Urn Witch in the next room. After a brief cinematic, use your flame spell on the coal in the furnace near the door to open the way forward, and enter the Inner Furnace.
Inner Furnace
In the next room, activate the door back to the Hall of Doors. You probably have more than enough souls to get some upgrades, so go ahead and do so now if you want. Once back in the Inner Furnace, head through the doorway to the northwest, then continue down the stairs and light the nearby furnace to get the pistons moving.
Ride up the pistons to the north, and a bunch of goopy enemies will pop out of a nearby pipe. You can avoid them if you want, or kill them for their souls. Make your way to the bull-platform to the southeast, then ride it across, go up the next set of pistons, and then head on through the doorway.
Go down the series of stairs, and continue southwest through the room to exit via the doorway at the far end. In the next room, you’ll have to avoid a big masked fellas poison grenades as you light the nearby furnace.
This will open up the way forward, continue through the now-moving pistons and up the stairs. Enemies will begin coming through portals, while the big guy continues lobbing grenades at you. Rather than trying to fight these enemies head-on, your best bet is to just run away from them and let them die to the grenades. Once the last enemy dies, the pistons that allow you to reach grenade-guy will start moving.
Head on up the pistons, and take out the grenade-guy. When you get close to him, he’ll stop launching grenades and do a very slow slam attack. Simply get close enough for him to do his slam attack, wait for him to whiff, then attack him a few times and back off a ways. Repeat until he’s dead (his gas-tank explodes, so stand back!), then go through the gate that opens behind him.
Light the furnace in the next room, then cross the piston bridge to the southeast. Continue southeast through all the blobs that spawn, then go down the stairs. Run onto the conveyer belt and head against it’s movement, then ride up the pistons northeast of the belt and then grab the Life Seed. Drop down and exit the room via the northeast doorway.
The conveyer belt
You’ll find yourself back in the first room of the Inner Furnace, but on the 2nd floor. Light the nearby furnace (see below), then cross the piston bridge heading northeast, and continue through the doorway there. Light the furnace here, then jump down through the now-moving piston. Ignore the huge blob — the amount of time it takes to kill it isn’t worth the souls it drops. Instead, run past it to the southeast, then up the stairs and up the piston there.
Make sure you light this before jumping down, or you’ll have to go all the way back through the areas you just cleared
Use the bull-platform to cross the chasm, and look out for the exploding pot-person that will charge you once you reach the other side. Take out the two archers, then head to the next platform and cross over again. There’s another exploding pot-person that will attack, as well as a few more enemies. Take them out, then light the furnace to the northeast.
This will spawn a bunch more blobs — run past them, and back across the chasm using the bull-platform. Now the pistons will be moving; you’ll need to head to the northeast through them by running past when they retract. As long as you hug the edge closer to the chasm, it should be easy to make it past them in time. Ignore the enemies and make your way around the edge of the chasm. Another grenade-guy will show up, so you should run towards the nearby archer and have the grenade-guy kill it for you. Then take out the pot-enemy, and finally the grenade-guy.
These guys take forever to kill — I usually just run around them
Head southwest past his corpse to grab the Life Seed, then go northeast and up the pistons, then through the doorway. Continue through some familiar enemies, then ride the bull-platform across the chasm. Once across, immediately use your bow or fire spell to destroy the purple pot to the northeast — this should kill both archers. Clear the rest of the platform of enemies, then take the bull-platform northwest.
On the next platform, you can once again take out 2 archers with one spell/arrow; this time they’re on the northwest side of the platform. There’s another purple pot that some enemies should be near, try to break that as well. This section can be a bit tricky, but you can use the pipes as cover from ranged attacks while you take care of nearby foes, or you could just run straight to the bull-platform.
Pictured: Taking cover behind the pipes
Cross using the bull-platform to the southwest, then go through the doorway. Drop down onto the nearby conveyor belt, and start lighting the furnaces while avoiding the grenades a now-familiar foe will be launching at you. Once you make it to the end of the conveyer belt, grab the Life Seed to the east, then exit the room via the southwestern doorway.
Lighting the furnaces
You’ll once more be back in the room that contains the door to the Hall of Doors — light the nearby furnace, go grab upgrades if you want, then head up the pistons you just turned on and go through the doorway. Head up the first two sets of pistons, then light the nearby furnace by standing on a piston and firing your flame spell when the piston is raised.
Head up the now-moving pistons, do the same thing to the next furnace, then ride the last set of pistons up and exit the room via the northwestern doorway.
Take the bull-platform across this room — you can ignore all the enemies if you want, just keep moving, and go through the doorway to the north once you cross. Activate the door to the Hall of Doors, then head north to confront your first major Boss!
How to Beat the Urn Witch (Grandma)
Grandma will frequently appear, do an attack, then disappear. Your best bet is to run at her as soon as she spawns, as there’s a delay between her appearance and her attacks. Attack her at least 3 times, then dodge her pots that she throws (and deflect the green projectiles if she throws one of the pots that spawn them).
After she’s taken a good amount of damage, she will sometimes throw out a ring of projectiles when she moves between attack patterns (see below GIF ) — be ready to dodge or deflect them.
Here are the Urn Witch’s attacks, and what to do in response to them:
Pot Toss – The Urn Witch throws pots at you, naturally. Keep an eye on what kind of pot she has in each hand — if she throws a green pot, you’ll need to be ready to deflect the projectile that comes out of it. Try to rush at her as soon as she appears, and attack her 3 times, then roll away from her once she throws the pot. If you’re standing right next to her when she throws one of the purple pots, it will damage her.
Pot Hop – Grandma will take off her pot-hat and jump in, then stomp around in it. You can get a ton of free hits in while she wriggles into the pot, but once she’s inside you should make some distance. Shoot her with your bow or fire spell once you’re far enough away.
Spin Attack – This tends to immediately follow her Pot Hop move. The Urn Witch will get into her pot and spin in a circle, spraying projectiles. You can roll through the waves, or you can deflect them back at her, which isn’t too hard but is riskier than just rolling through.
To earn the achievement “Hot Pot”, use your Flame spell on Grandma’s pot when the opening at the top is facing you during her Spin Attack.
Pot Eruption/Pot Toss – Once you’ve damaged her some, Grandma will sometimes start shooting green pots out of her head before she does her Pot Toss. When she does this, you can usually get a couple rounds of attacks on her, then dodge/deflect the projectiles.
Once you’ve defeated her, you’ll have your first Giant Soul. Congrats! After Grandma’s funeral, chat with Pothead and the Gravedigger if you want, then head south and go through the door. You’ll get a chance to meet your boss’s boss, and then he’ll send you back to the Hall of Doors. Go up the stairs to where all the doors are, and go through the door that leads to the Lost Cemetery.
Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.