Stone Gullet of L’Phahl the Gross

planescape torment equipment ii049

Miscellaneous – Consumable

Value: 5000 Weight: 3
Lore Req to ID:
  • Save vs. Poison: +1 (Permanent)
  • Resistance to Acid: +15% (Permanent)

How to Obtain
  • Clerk’s Ward (Advocate’s House) – Given when you redeem legacy 51-AA

The Gurgling Stone Gullet of L’Phahl the Gross is not as well-known as most artifacts tend to be; no wars have been waged over it, no betrayals, no epic journeys into the underworld… only a few moralizing sorcerers, a fat man, and his stomach.

As the “legend” goes, L’Phahl the Gross was said to have been a promising practitioner of the Art, a sorcerer’s apprentice to one of the Last Seers of Es-Annon. Despite his skill at the Art, however, his gluttony was the subject of much ridicule among his peers.

During the last great Massing of Es-Annon, L’Phahl was invited to dine at the center table, but unknown to him, his peers had filled his wine goblet with an elixir of turning flesh to stone to teach the rotund student a “lesson.”

L’Phahl consumed such great amounts of food and drink during the Mass, however, that it diluted the potion’s effects. Complaining of a stomach ache hours after the feast, the local healers discovered that L’Phahl’s stomach had turned into stone, yet was still capable of digesting food. L’Phahl lived the rest of his days happily eating, though his gullet was a few pounds heavier than before.

When he finally died, his stomach was removed as an oddity… and since then, it has ‘wandered’ the planes in search of new stomachs.

To use the artifact, one must consume it (it has the consistency of stale bread)… so doing will turn the eater’s stomach into the stone gullet. Devouring the stone gullet of L’Phahl will grant the user the blessing of stone and rock and slight resistance to (stomach) acid.

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