Scroll of Ice Knife

planescape torment equipment ii379

Miscellaneous – Scroll

Requires Mage Class
Value: 250 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • Teaches User Ice Knife
  • Allows User to Cast Ice Knife

How to Obtain
  • Carceri (Warehouse) – Found in crate

Daggers of ice can be conjured that not only strike the intended target but can spread cold as ice in water.

This spell fires a magical ice dagger at a target. The caster must successfully hit with his normal missile attack roll. A successful hit causes 2-8 pts. of damage per dagger. When the ice knife strikes a solid object or a creature, the knife shatters, releasing a wave of numbing cold. All creatures w/in a 5′ radius must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer 1-4 pts. of cold damage and have a -2 penalty to their attack rolls. If the attack roll misses, the Ice Dagger will ‘fall to the ground’ 2 feet past (using the same trajectory that it originally took) the intended target. The Ice dagger will then remain on the ground for 2 seconds. If any creature touches this ice dagger during that time it will immediately shatter, and emit a cold wave (as above). If not, then after the elapsed time it will melt away. Finally, the caster gains 1 additional Ice Dagger for every 2 levels after 3rd level, for a maximum of 5 Daggers. The subsequent Daggers can be fired off by a subsequent ‘click’ on the same (or another) target.

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