Rule of Threes Earring

planescape torment equipment ii078

Accessory – Earring

Value: 150 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • Minor Copper Blessing

How to Obtain
  • Mortuary (Level 2) – Reward for folding Zombie #1201’s note

You received this small earring from folding a note in the mouth of one of the walking corpses in the Mortuary. It’s a beautiful earring, but despite its beauty, all it seems to do is remind you how strange this world you’ve woken up in is.

This earring carries a minor blessing from one of the gods of wealth on some backwater prime world; when held in the hand and the word “copper” is whispered, it gives the wearer 33 copper commons. This blessing can be used three times before the enchantment is exhausted.

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