Jerkin of the Flitting Shadow

planescape torment equipment ii262

Armor – Body

Requires Annah
Value: 2500 Weight: 8
Lore Req to ID:
AC: 6
  • Pick Pocket Skill: +15%
  • Stealth Skill: +25%

How to Obtain
  • Clerk’s Ward (Tailor’s Shop) – Purchased from Goncalves

This piece of light leather armor was clearly fashioned for a woman. Even at a glance one can tell it is of the highest quality; every part of it, from its supple leather banding to its quadruple-stitched seams and padded silk lining, speaks of impeccable craftsmanship. Goncalves wove a number of enchantments into the lining of the jerkin so that its wearer is more prone to blend into surrounding shadows, making them difficult to spot and often allowing them to pass by others entirely unnoticed.

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