
planescape torment equipment ii029

Weapon – Axe

Requires Fighter Class
Value: 9000 Weight: 4
Lore Req to ID:
Damage: 3-10 (Slashing)
THAC0: 2
Enchanted: 3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency: Axes
  • 1-6 Electrical Damage

How to Obtain
  • Outer Curst (Grain Silo) – Reward for freeing the demon Agril-Shanak

A single teardrop of the wielder’s blood, applied at the border where the axe meets the handle, is sufficient to awaken “Heartgrinder.” Once applied, the drop of blood freckles across the blade and handle, giving it a dull red radiance. The glow from Heartgrinder pulses, matching the heartbeat of its wielder.

No matter what the target, Heartgrinder is a powerful weapon, capable of tearing through nearly any defenses. Against targets with blood running in their veins (whether their own or another’s — vampires beware), Heartgrinder inflicts additional damage, as every stroke also smashes the target’s heart, no matter what location the axe struck.

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