Fiend’s Blood Dagger

planescape torment equipment ii203

Weapon – Dagger

Requires Non-Priest Class
Value: 1 Weight: 1
Lore Req to ID:
Damage: 3-8 (Piercing)
THAC0: 2
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency: Edged
  • Poisons Target
  • Save vs. Spells: -4
  • Causes User to Go Berserk in Combat

How to Obtain
  • Various Locations – Dropped by the (lesser) Fiend from Moridor’s Box
  • Outer Curst (Grain Silo) / Carceri – Dropped by fiend Agril-Shanak
  • Carceri (Administration Building) – Found in container on second floor

Years of being embedded in the flesh of a fiend have imbued this once ordinary dagger with qualities best left with their kind. Blood of the fiend has infused itself with the dagger causing it to feel slightly warm to the touch.

When in combat the user of this dagger can hear a constant chittering in the back of his mind causing him to lose all self-control making him unstoppable in combat, but vulnerable to spells.

The history of this dagger is for the most part unknown. More than likely some berk perished while fighting the fiend, losing his dagger as well as his life. For now the name is but a description, it has yet to earn a proper title.

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