Enchanted Battle Axe

planescape torment equipment ii028

Weapon – Axe

Requires Fighter Class
Value: 500 Weight: 4
Lore Req to ID:
Damage: 2-9 (Slashing)
THAC0: 1
Enchanted: 1
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency: Axes

How to Obtain
  • Trash Warrens – Loot from Bish
  • Nameless One’s Tomb – Found in treasure box
  • Carceri (Administration Building) – Found in desk on third floor

Closer examination of the weapon reveals a strange symbol, very faint, on the surface of the axe head. Tracing it with your finger, there is a sudden charge, and the axe head changes before your eyes into a silvery-looking metal.

The edge is incredibly sharp, so much so it looks like it could hack through stone if necessary. The symbol you traced on the weapon is now glowing brilliantly, and if anything, the axe has become even lighter than before, so much so that you can almost wield it one-handed.

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