Deionarra’s Wedding Ring (Upgraded)

planescape torment equipment ii139

Accessory – Ring

Requires TNO
Value: 5000 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • All Saving Throws: +3
  • Armor Class: +3
  • Armor Class vs. Piercing: +3

How to Obtain
  • Fortress of Regrets (Entrance) – Enhanced by Deionarra when you speak to her

This ivory ring was part of Deionarra’s legacy, and through some unknown means, she has enhanced its power three-fold. Where it radiated only a slight glow before, it now burns with a cold, white fire along the edges. The fire does not burn — if anything, its touch is comforting.

As with wearing Deionarra’s normal soulstone ring, you gain added protection from all attacks, and additional protection from any piercing attacks… presumably, the ring’s purpose is to shield the heart from shock and trauma, and this extends to any physical pain the wearer suffers as well.

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