Crimson Sphere Earring

planescape torment equipment ii071

Accessory – Earring

Requires Anyone Other Than Ignus
Value: 500 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • Resistance to Fire: +10%
  • Resistance to Magical Fire: +5%

How to Obtain
  • Lower Ward (Pawn Shop) – Purchased from Brokah
  • UnderSigil – Found in sarcophagus

This small red gem set into this earring acts like a heat sponge, protecting the wearer from heat or flame attacks. Whenever the wearer is exposed to fire, the gem draws some of the heat into itself, shielding its wearer from part of the damage.

It is rumored that each of these earrings holds a tiny fire mephit inside, and that they are so starved for heat that they will drink deep of any fire in the vicinity. This has never been proven, mostly because no one really cares to investigate the matter.

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