Club of Nettles

planescape torment equipment ii246

Weapon – Club

Requires Thief Class
Value: 750 Weight: 4
Lore Req to ID:
Damage: 1-6 (Crushing)
THAC0: 2
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency: Clubs
  • Causes Confusion

How to Obtain
  • Trash Warrens – Found in box in cranium rat chamber

This club seems to be made from some sort of prickly plant. Small thorns adorn the head of the club and can easily be broken off.

This particular club is one of the more favored weapons of thieves. Upon making a successful hit on an opponent, tiny barbed thorns lodge into the skin and cause the victim to become disoriented for a brief period of time. This allows the thief time to safely rob and escape the victim.

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