Bone-Framed Journal

planescape torment equipment ii082

Miscellaneous – Other

Value: 0 Weight: 2
Lore Req to ID:

This appears to be some sort of journal. Sheets of dried human skin have been stretched across a framework of bone, and strangely enough, it appears the sheets of skin have healed together at the seams, forming the spine of a makeshift book. It looks like the outer sheets of skin form a cover for a series of other skin sheets locked inside the bone frame.

A series of symbols have been written in blood across the exterior of the sheets of skin, but you can’t make them out; they appear to be some form of writing, but they seem to be written upside down, right to left, and at odd angles that make your eyes hurt.

Despite the crudity of the writing, you have to admit the design of the bone frame is actually quite intricate; the bones have been carved so that they snap neatly together. It looks like the bones can be unhooked from each other, allowing the book to be opened and read.

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