Assassin’s Knuckles

planescape torment equipment ii101

Weapon – Fists

Requires Thief Class
Value: 5000 Weight: 1
Lore Req to ID:
Damage: 1-10 (Piercing)
THAC0: 3
Enchanted: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency: Fists
  • Causes Stunning
  • Silence
  • Poison

How to Obtain
  • Outer Curst – Purchased from Crumplepunch the Blacksmith

A totally redesigned version of ordinary iron knuckles, these knuckles have long razor sharp blades attached to them.

In addition, powerful spells have been placed on this weapon to better assist any would be assassin. When used correctly this weapon will stun an opponent making him easier to hit. A spell of silence is also placed on the victim to prevent him from crying out for help or in the case of mages from casting spells. To finish the job, the blades are coated with an exotic poison to ensure a quick death.

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