You Might Want to Pre-Load Your 60-100 GB of Cyberpunk 2077

(Scroll down for the full image of the Easter Egg featured above ;D)

You might want to tell your family and your friends that they might not see you for a few days, because the long-awaited launch day is almost upon us! The game begins releasing tomorrow, and PC players will be able to jump in right away, with console players joining them at midnight local time.

Is your preparation checklist complete?

  • Snacks and drinks to sustain your deep dive into the game
  • (Optional) Someone to make sure you actually eat and sleep in the next couple of days
  • Checking the timetable and taking note of your release date and time
  • A personal GOG account to snag your free digital goodies

And, quite importantly,

  • Pre-load of the game completed for your console or your PC ☒☒

You might have been slacking on that last one, since launching GOG or your console and getting that download started can be done any time, but trust us when we tell you that the couple of hours of idle download will feel much, much longer if you procrastinate and do it after the release.

The size of the download is already in mid-50GB for PCs and above 100GB for PlayStation. Plus, Xbox got an additional 43GB pre-patch, even before the after-launch patch tomorrow. The download can obviously take a very long time if you do not have a high-speed internet connection. It can quickly compound with the full Day-0 patch released along with the game, likely to be massive and even speculated to be as big as the original download itself.

In other words, there are many reasons to pre-load the game before tomorrow, if you can (we know that some of you will have physical editions coming in a bit later, so it’s not an option accessible to everyone).

Besides, if you do, a little pre-launch Easter Egg will greet you, which is a play on Johnny Silverhand’s famous line from the E3 trailer:

Cyberpunk 2077 Easter Egg Early Launch Of The Game

For those of you who can’t quite remember what the quote in this scene was: “Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn.”


Alright, our check-in is done. Make sure to stay safe and enjoy yourselves!
We waited for a long time for this, and the wait is almost, almost over.

Jump into the comments below and tell us about your experience deciding to get the game and whether you had any issues preloading it. Or, really, just say “hi”! We’d love to hear from you all 🙂

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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