Fans Are Celebrating No More Delays to Cyberpunk 2077

You might have been wondering what some of the latest mysterious tweets on the official Cyberpunk 2077 account meant and why the fans are suddenly alive and counting days down to the release date.

Well, let’s talk the 91-day celebrations and their symbolical importance to Cyberpunk 2077‘s development!
Why is the community so certain that there won’t be any more delays to the game?

But, first: have you seen this super-important official message?


Source: u/nikifrd on Reddit

(Jokes aside, please let this meme go away in peace now. We had enough of it.)
If you have seen this, then you most likely have been following the #Cyberpunk2077 community on Twitter and Reddit. This little troll gem has been started on Reddit 5 days ago, under the title “I can‘t handle this anymore,” making thousands upon thousands of fans feel their heart skip a beat.

An important milestone was approaching and the familiar look of the former delay announcements definitely made people very nervous. While typically infuriating, many fans admitted that this Rick Roll troll was one of the most relieving they have ever experienced.

But, let’s talk Twitter today. What it going on with that special milestone that the fans have been celebrating recently?

Cyberpunk 2077‘s “91-Day Curse”

When CD Projekt Red had to announce Cyberpunk 2077‘s delay from April to September 2020, it was January 16th. This announcement came 91 days before the game’s original scheduled release on April 16th.


An unfortunate follow-up came on June 18th, explaining the reasons for additional delay until November 19th. This announcement came 91 days before the game’s former release date on September 17th.


91 days just felt like a bad countdown mark for the community. Cyberpunk 2077‘s primary countdown account (and meme supplier?) on Twitter could not hold back their disappointment.


Since then the community had an interesting couple of months, approaching the iconic milestone with a bit of humor while looking out for potential causes for further delay (the clash with Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, for example).

But, the official 91-day mark for the new release day was on August 20th, just a few days ago. So, what happened?

August 20th: Day of Tension and Celebration

First news of the day, @CyberpunkGame followed @CP2077Countdown account. That felt meaningful, somehow.

That was followed by a tweet from the official account with a tone that conveyed… an intense kind of calm with a Groundhog Day reference. Just another day… very much another, same day.

All in good humor, of course! No delays were announced and even a new in-game screenshot of Kirk was posted the day after (we set it as the header image for this post!).

After that, the community felt quite relieved at the passed milestone. Due to the date’s symbolic meaning, the serious intentions to avoid delays expressed in developer interviews, and the recent updates to the game being finishing touches (subtitle font and color customization, for example), it really does feel like we are on the last stretch to the finish line.

And if we are to get anything else out of this celebration, it’s that Cyberpunk 2077 truly gathered a massive, engaged community of fans. Even if the overhype will backfire on the game’s reputation to some degree (we discussed this issue in some of our posts), the creativity and humor of the Cyberpunk fanbase is really just incredible for a game that is still in development.

Despite the chaos, CD Projekt’s Red interaction with the community have been wonderful throughout these years. So, let’s finish on an official post from a couple of days ago that speaks to this amazing relationship.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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