Plane of Innovation (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through the main hub of the Plane of Innovation as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesAnvil clockworks, arrow clockworks
SpecialNitram (good), Giwin (evil)
Saves2 total: start, left passage after portal
PortalMid level at Giwin
ExitsMine Level 1


There are two types of clockworks to deal with on this plane, some with anvils for hands (Model XXXVI), and some that shoot arrows. Both types have a stun chance in melee. Clockworks cannot be poisoned or diseased, are completely immune to all fire effects, take partial damage from most spells, and have a high armor rating. However, explosions still hurt them, they move slowly, and cold effects still work and slow them down even more. Arrow clockworks are decent in melee but are excellent ranged attackers. When they start a volley of arrows, block until they are finished. Anvil clockworks have a chance to explode when they die, which also sets off nearby bombs. If you see and hear their head rotate around and then they start wobbling, get away from it. Even though arrow clockworks do this animation, they will never explode. It’s no surprise that it is best to use ranged attacks against anvil clockworks and melee against arrow clockworks if spells are not effective.

Soon after starting this area you will encounter a gnome named Nitram speaking in techno-babble. He tells you that he wishes he had the last Copper Sprocket on the plane for some unknown gnomish reason, and by the way, if he had it then Giwin the other gnome wouldn’t be able to finish the giant siege engine of death he is building that Firiona sent you here to stop. Further on near the portal you will find Giwin wondering where he left the Copper Sprocket. He would have more to say if you were helping the bad guys. Eventually you will find the Copper Sprocket but not until the end of the plane when you take it away from a giant siege engine of death.

Most Efficient Route

Take the first right; then double back. Continue forward and then take the next left. Go right at the portal, and at the end of that route, gate back to the hub and portal back. Take the left passage this time, explore the room after the 2nd save point, and then follow the left wall to the exit.

Fastest Route

As you come to forks, go left, then right. Go left at the portal and left at the 2nd save point. After leaving that room, follow the right wall to the exit.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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