Vanarhost’s Castle 1 – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the first level of Vanarhost’s Castle in Act II of Champions of Norrath.


Vanarhost is a vampire, so of course he lives in a creepy castle with bats flying around everywhere. You won’t see anything you haven’t fought before at this stage, just skeletons and those undead things that crawl and have a tongue attack kind of like Nightmare’s. There are lots of little side paths, but they’re all very short. You won’t lose track of the way you are suppose to go.


After a while, you’ll trigger a cut scene in which Vanarhost’s special lady friend, Sylea, tells you a rambling story that ends with you needing to find a plant called bloodvine that keeps her baser vampire instincts at bay. If you do this, she’ll stop blocking your way. The door to her left is blocked, so head down the hall to her right in search of the bloodvine.


At the end of the hall, you’ll find an exit that leads up to Blackdelve Reach. You’ll be exploring an area you couldn’t get to before, so go back to that map.


When you go back through the prison on your way to take the bloodvine to Sylea, you’ll trigger a cut scene. It seems that a gnome named Babik Nurn has been captured by Vanarhost and he wants you to help him escape. You’ll need to do this, by the way, because he’s the only one available to navigate the ship. First things first, though, take the bloodvine to Sylea.


To repay you for walking the two blocks to get the bloodvine, Sylea takes you to eavesdrop on a conversation between the orc chief and Vanarhost. Wasn’t Pelys (the orc chief) supposed to be on some island? I guess he sailed back to take a quick meeting with Vanarhost. Anyway, the two are allied, but neither likes each other very much. Follow the path around and you will eventually find a door that says up to the castle. I thought we were already in the castle, but whatever. Go through the door to continue on to level two.

After killing Vanarhost and taking the door to the prison on level two, you arrive on level one in the room where you first me Sylea. Head across and into the other room, which is the prison. Babik will tell you to put the key in the lock, but don’t go to his cell. The lock is actually in the middle of the room, because otherwise you wouldn’t be attacked by more vampires on your way out. Head back to Blackdelve Reach via the path you took to get the bloodvine.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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