Faydark Ruins 1 – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the first level of the Faydark Ruins in Act I of Champions of Norrath.


Not much going on in this area until you get to the boss fight. You will wade through a bunch of spiders as you make your way toward it, though. If you want all the xp, stick around after you’ve killed a few spiders, because they’ll respawn for a while.


Toward the back of the room, you’ll find two save points and a portal. The portal is there so that, when you enevitably get killed by the orc chief, you can go back to the merchant in Kelethein and buy some better armor.


Heading through the doorway past the portal, you’ll trigger a cut-scene in which the orc chief will tell you that you are stupid for coming all this way, blah blah. He says he will show you mercy if you just leave and then the cut scene ends and he lunges for your head with his huge poleaxe. If you don’t move immediately, you are going to be in bad shape as his special attack will most likely knock you down and keep you from getting out of range again. I didn’t play through as all the different classes, but as a Ranger or a Shadowknight, you need to be patient and keep out of range at all times. Hit him with ranged weapons and spells and just hang in until you chip away all his health. He’ll drop and you can loot him, but he isn’t dead yet. He hops up to thumb his nose at you and then dashes off while you inexplicably stand there and listen instead of lopping his big green head off.


So, all that’s left to do is take the black scroll to Commander Turanin, who will instruct you to go kill an orc shaman while the Rangers figure out what to do with the black scroll.


When you go back into the Ruins, you’ll find Oetheilas near the save point. He’ll join you at this point, so head down the stairs next to him to explore level two of the Ruins.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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