Caverns of the Fallen 2 – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the second level of the Caverns of the Fallen in Act II of Champions of Norrath.


Maybe I wasn’t paying attention when the Caverns of the Fallen was explained to me, but I still don’t know why the undead are fighting each other down here. Anyway, it makes it easier to fight them because they are distracted.


There are a great many enemies on this level, but it’s also fairly linear. Make your way to the save point in the back, then get ready for a big boss fight. This may entail using a gate scroll to go back and buy stuff.


When you enter the next chamber, you get a pretty cool cutscene of a skeleton army ritualistically banging its weapons together as it prepares to take you on. You then get mobbed, which would suck alot more if there was a door to the chamber and it closed behind you. You can always run back the way you came until the skeletons turn around to go back to their posts and then take on the stragglers one by one. Once you’ve beaten all the enemies in the room, you get another cut scene where some skeleton archers file into the room to take up flanking positions. You then fight the Undead Knight, who is a royal pain if you ran out of arrows and aren’t a strong melee fighter. If you do have arrows, he’s much easier. Just try to stay away from the minion he summons and don’t waste your time fighting it. If you kill it, he’ll just summon another one right next to you. I lucked out one time and was able to lead him back just past the save point. His minion disappeared after the spell wore off and he summoned another one into an area that it couldn’t get out of. I unloaded on him with arrows and he eventually went down.


OK, so at this point no one has really told you that you need to take on Vanarhost. You just know that you need his boat and you need a navigator for that boat. Here you are though, having just destroyed his undead army and standing on the threshold of his castle. Go on in, because that’s the way you are supposed to go, even if you don’t know it yet.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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