Thuggish Splicer

bioshock denizens thuggishsplicer

Denizen – Enemy

An enemy encountered throughout Rapture that attacks with a bludgeoning weapon.

A Splicer is simply a Rapture citizen who has repeatedly “spliced” themselves with Adam. While the substance may provide a host of physical enhancements, it also takes a toll on the mind. Thuggish Splicers are crazed humans typically armed with a pipe, wrench, or some other bludgeoning weapon. A variant of the Thuggish Splicer will show up midway through the game with electricity coursing through their body. This gives them immunity to all of your electrical attacks and adds extra damage to their attacks against you.

There are five research levels that can be attained by snapping photos of Thuggish Splicers:

  • Research Level 1: Increased Damage (+)
  • Research Level 2: SportBoost
  • Research Level 3: Increased Damage (++)
  • Research Level 4: SportBoost 2
  • Research Level 5: Increased Damage (+++)
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