Peach Wilkins

bioshock denizens peachwilkins

Denizen – NPC

An old man that lost his mind while in Neptune’s Bounty.

In order to get into the freezer area of Fontaine Fisheries in Neptune’s Bounty, you’ll have to deal with Peach Wilkins first. This crazy old coot wants you to grab the Research Camera from the Wharfmaster’s office and then snap photos of three different Spider Splicers before he’ll let you in. Even then, he’ll still require you to place all of your weapons into a pneumatic tube before granting you access to the main freezer room.

Peach’s paranoia gets the best of him and he decides to kill you for your supposed dealings with Frank Fontaine. He’s really just a more powerful version of the Nitro Splicer, as molotov cocktails are his weapon of choice. You’ll have no weapons of your own during the battle, so you’ll have to rely on your plasmids to take him down. Telekinesis should be able to single-handedly put him on the floor.

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