Nitro Splicer

bioshock denizens nitrosplicer

Denizen – Enemy

An enemy encountered throughout Rapture that attacks with molotov cocktails and smoke screen.

A Splicer is simply a Rapture citizen who has repeatedly “spliced” themselves with Adam. While the substance may provide a host of physical enhancements, it also takes a toll on the mind. Nitro Splicers are crazed humans that carry around a grenade box filled with homemade molotov cocktails and bottles filled with a smoke screening agent. They’ll launch the firebombs from a distance and then smash the smoke-filled bottles at their feet to make a hasty retreat when you close into melee range. Because they have no firearm, they are highly susceptible to the Telekinesis plasmid.

There are five research levels that can be attained by snapping photos of Nitro Splicers:

  • Research Level 1: Increased Damage (+)
  • Research Level 2: 15% chance that any enemy grenade will be a dud.
  • Research Level 3: Increased Damage (++)
  • Research Level 4: 35% chance that any enemy grenade will be a dud.
  • Research Level 5: Increased Damage (+++)
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