Grenade Launcher

bioshock grenadelaunchertrythis

Ammunition: Frag Grenade, Proximity Mine, Heat-Seeking RPG
Upgrades: Damage Increase, Damage Immunity

Your first opportunity to pick up this weapon is from Peach Wilkins’ conveyor belt in Neptune’s Bounty.


Frag Grenade: These basic frag grenades are massively damaging, and have a significant blast radius. Beware of flying body parts.
Carry/Load: 12/6

Proximity Mine: These are effectively used as landmines, staying primed and ready until an unwitting victim walks too close. They can also be used as a standard frag grenade if you score a direct hit.
Carry/Load: 6/6

Heat-Seeking RPG: These homing missiles are the perfect solution for moving targets, delivering a devastating payload even around corners! Adult supervision recommended.
Carry/Load: 6/6


Damage Increase: Incendiary injectors increase the damage of the Grenade Launcher. All of the above ammunition really packs a punch once you have this upgrade.

Damage Immunity: Autogenerated shape charges make you immune to the damage from your own grenades. An excellent upgrade, especially if you spend most of your encounters with Rapture’s denizens up close and personal.

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