
bioshock crossbowtrythis

Ammunition: Steel-Tip Bolt, Incendiary Bolt, Trap Bolt
Upgrades: Breakage Chance, Damage Increase

Your first opportunity to pick up this weapon will be after adding the first picture to Sander Cohen’s masterpiece in Fort Frolic.


Steel-Tip Bolt: These bolts fly true even at long ranges. Remember kiddies, aim for the head!
Carry/Load: 48/5

Incendiary Bolt: These bolts are particularly effective against targets vulnerable to fire. A personal favorite.
Carry/Load: 24/5

Trap Bolt: These ingenious bolts shoot out an electrified tripwire when fired into a wall. A potent defensive tool and great party gag!
Carry/Load: 24/5


Breakage Chance: An automatic tension adjuster greatly reduces the chance of bolts breaking on impact. Leave this upgrade for late in the game unless you like sniping opponents from a distance.

Damage Increase: A high-tensile bow increases the damage done by crossbow bolts. Take this upgrade as soon as it becomes available.

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