Chemical Thrower

bioshock chemicalthrowertrythis

Ammunition: Napalm, Liquid Nitrogen, Electric Gel
Upgrades: Consumption Rate, Range

Your first opportunity to pick up this weapon is from Langford’s desk in Arcadia.


Napalm: Napalm is particularly effective against targets vulnerable to fire, and will set things on fire if continuously applied.
Carry/Load: 400/100

Liquid Nitrogen: Liquid Nitrogen is particularly effective against targets vunlerable to cold, and will freeze creatures if continuously applied.
Carry/Load: 200/100

Electric Gel: Electric Gel deals electricity damage to targets, and may send them into shocked convulsions. It is also good for temporarily disabling machines.
Carry/Load: 200/100


Consumption Rate: A tapered nozzle reduces the ammunition consumption rate of the Chemical Thrower. If you use the Chemical Thrower often, grab this upgrade after taking the range upgrade below.

Range: A pressure-calibrated hose increases the range of the Chemical Thrower. A must-have upgrade if you spend a lot of time wielding the Chemical Thrower.

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