Andrew Ryan

bioshock denizens andrewryan

Denizen – NPC

A gifted engineer who helped create Rapture.

Andrew Ryan is a gifted engineer who grew tired of the world’s “parasites,” so in 1946 he decided to take the fortune he had accrued and use it to construct a city at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The primary goal of this so-called utopia would be to make it the ultimate capitalistic and individualist paradise. There, he and thousands of invited intellectuals could truly enjoy their freedom and relish in the idea that the wealth they earned through hard work was theirs to keep. No government, god, or man would stand in their way, as they did on the surface.

Frank Fontaine threw a wrench into Andrew’s plans and the idealist wound up going against the very principles he had based the city on. Regardless of the atrocities he committed during the fall of Rapture, one cannot deny his amazing ambition nor the brilliance he exhibited while carrying out his well-constructed plans.

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