Watcher’s Keep Level 3 – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through level 3 of Watcher’s Keep in the Throne of Bhaal expansion for Baldur’s Gate II. This area’s codes in the game files are AR3003 through AR 3015.

Watcher’s Keep Level 3 Map

baldurs gate 2 map watchers keep level 3
  • Exits:
  • A) Level 2
  • B) Outside
  • C) Level 4


This level of the keep is a 13-room maze. The map above shows you how to move around the maze, and it identifies each room by its game ID. In the text below, we’ll use the room ID instead of our regular annotations. To see the ID of the room you’re in, simply press X.

When you arrive on this level (AR3003), you’ll meet an elven madman who will refer to himself as Yakman. He’ll mistake you for illusions — no, demons! — and he’ll flee to the south. When you follow him there (AR3011), he’ll continue to babble, but if you’re playing an elf, or if you have 16 Charisma, then you’ll be able to calm him down, and he’ll explain some things about the level, including that the exit portal (Exit C) is “broken,” and that you’ll need a special rod with three gems to use it.

To cure Yakman, you’ll need to cast Heal on him. If you do this, then each character in your party will earn 5000 xp, and Yakman — who will inform you that his actual name is Tamorlin — will leave the keep. You can also just ignore Yakman, or kill him for 6000 xp.

When you explore Yakman’s camp (AR3011), you’ll find Bard’s Gloves on the floor, plus a Madman’s Journal and the Scepter of Radiance inside a (trapped) tent. Cespenar in the Pocket Plane can upgrade the gloves into Wondrous Gloves. The scepter is the rod that you’ll need to use the exit portal. The journal will give you a path through the maze. Starting at the entrance (AR3003), you should head:

  • East x 2,
  • South x 4,
  • West, and then
  • North x 3.

If you follow this path, then you’ll see all of the rooms in the maze except for one (AR3009), and you’ll find all three of the Scepter Gems.

You’ll have to fight a lot of tough battles inside the maze. Please refer to the annotations below for more information. You’ll find two of the Scepter Gems while you’re exploring (AR3012, AR3013). When you eventually reach the final room (AR3015), each character in your party will earn 10,000 xp. You’ll also meet a cambion named Aesgareth, who will want to talk to you rather than attack you.

Aesgareth will try to convince you to play a game of chance with him. If you agree, then he’ll explain the rules: each of you will draw a card from his Deck of Many Things, and the one who “survives the effect” and has the higher card value will win. You’ll be able to wager vitality, experience, or the use of the Scepter of Radiance, and you’ll be able to ask for a scroll of Wish, a Spectral Brand +4, or a Scepter Gem. Wagering the scepter (and losing) or asking for the gem (and winning) will end the game, so save those for last.

For the first game, you’ll draw Plague (stat-cursed) or Strife (slowed), while Aesgareth will draw Construct or Triumph. You’ll only win if you draw Strife and Aesgareth draws Triumph. Casting Remove Curse will cure the Plague effect.

For the second game, you’ll draw Guile (attacked by six assassins) or Strength (stat-cursed), while Aesgareth will draw Defiance or Empress. You’ll win if you draw Strength but lose if you draw Guile. Casting Remove Curse will cure the Strength effect.

If you lose a game, then you’ll lose 50,000 xp (for wagering experience) or you’ll reduce your maximum hp by 10% (for wagering vitality). However, these losses will come from spells, so if you’re wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, then you won’t actually lose anything. Meanwhile, each time you win an optional prize, each character in your party will also earn 25,000 xp.

If you get to the third game, then you’ll have to wager the Scepter of Radiance against Aesgareth’s Scepter Gem. You’ll draw Emperor (permanent Mind Shield, which will protect you against Charm) or High Priestess (silenced), while Aesgareth will draw Wheel. Aesgareth will always win this game. The only way to beat Aesgareth for the Scepter Gem is to play him for it in one of the first two games. However, each character in your party will earn 20,000 xp if you play this game.

If you win the Scepter Gem, then Aesgareth will attack you. If you lose the Scepter of Radiance, then Aesgareth will only ask to borrow it so he can escape, and he’ll promise to give it and the Scepter Gem to you once he’s fixed the exit portal. If you keep up your end of the wager, then Aesgareth will keep his word as well, and each character in your party will earn 20,000 xp. If you refuse to give up the scepter, then Aesgareth will attack you. You’ll earn about the same xp either way; the main difference between fighting Aesgareth and letting him escape is that you won’t get the Deck of Many Things if he escapes. See the Deck of Many Things guide page for information about what the deck can do for you.

If you end up fighting Aesgareth (either right away or due to the card game), then you’ll have to deal with Aesgareth plus two fell cats and four tieflings. If you buff up first, then the battle shouldn’t be too bad. You’ll earn 105,000 xp for defeating the enemies, and when you loot their corpses, you’ll find lots of basic items up to +3, a Robe of the Good Archmagi, the Deck of Many Things, and the Scepter Gem.

When you have the Scepter of Radiance plus the three Scepter Gems, they’ll automatically join together and form the completed scepter. This will earn each character in your party 25,000 xp. Having the completed scepter will allow you to use the portal leading to Level 4 (Exit C).



This is where you’ll start out in the maze. You’ll meet Yakman here, and you’ll find a map key on the floor, which will show you which directions are considered North, South, East and West.


You’ll encounter two cornugons, a pit fiend, and two velithuu in this room. You’ll earn 104,000 xp for defeating them. Try to avoid stepping on the four Slow traps in the room (located by the four staircases). They’ll trigger each time you step on them, so the sooner you disarm them, the better.

Note: It isn’t possible to cast spells in this room.


In this room, you’ll encounter four tieflings and a war dog named Aranthis. The melee tieflings will hit you pretty hard, so we’d recommend taking one or two of them out first before worrying about the tiefling mage. You’ll earn 77,000 xp for defeating the enemies, and you’ll find some +2 and +3 items on their corpses.

Note: This is a wild surge room, so it’s dangerous to cast spells here.


In this room, you’ll meet a succubus and four alu-fiends. The succubus will offer to take you to the exit portal (Exit C) for a mere kiss. This won’t cost you anything permanent (you’ll just get energy drained, which you can fix with Lesser Restoration), but it probably won’t gain you anything, either, since you’ll still need to gather the Scepter Gems before you can use the portal. If you fight the women, then you’ll earn 54,000 xp for defeating them.


In this room, you’ll encounter a single cambion, but he’ll immediately drink a Potion of Invisibility and then summon four death knights to help him out. You’ll begin out of sight of the cambion, so it’s best to buff up when you arrive in the room rather than trying in the previous room (AR3005), where you’ll have to deal with wild surges. Make sure one of your buffs is Resist Fear. Depending on your gear, some protection from fire might help, too. You’ll earn 76,000 xp for defeating the enemies.


You’ll discover three cornugons fighting a balor in this room. If you kill all four demons, then you’ll earn 56,000 xp. You’ll also find a pillar of rock in the center of the room. Its inscription will mention “my greatest prize” being unavailable to evil creatures. If you interact with the pillar using a lawful-good character, then you’ll receive the bastard sword Purifier +4. If anyone else interacts with the pillar, then it will call down a Meteor Swarm on you.

Note: It isn’t possible to cast spells in this room.


You’ll encounter eight quasits in this room. You’ll earn 48,000 xp for defeating them.

Note: This is a wild surge room, so it’s dangerous to cast spells here.


In this room, you’ll encounter two glabrezu. One of them will summon up to five ice salamanders. The other will summon up to five greater fire elementals. If you kill the two glabrezu plus all ten of their summoned creatures, then you’ll earn 115,000 xp for winning the battle.


This is Yakman’s camp. You’ll find Bard’s Gloves on the floor (which Cespenar in the Pocket Plane can upgrade into Wondrous Gloves), and you’ll find a Madman’s Journal and the Scepter of Radiance in Yakman’s tent. The journal will give you a route through the maze. You’ll need the scepter for the exit portal (Exit C).


In this room, you’ll meet the demon Tahazzar. If the first player he spots is a lawful-good cleric or paladin, then he’ll attack you right away. Otherwise, he might ask you to kill his rival Ka’rashur. You’ll find Ka’rashur (AR3013) by going south-south-south from this room. If you kill Ka’rashur and deliver his heart to Tahazzar, then each character in your party will earn 20,000 xp, and Tahazzar will give you his Scepter Gem plus a Thieves’ Hood (which can be upgraded by Cespenar in the Pocket Plane).

If your encounter with Tahazzar turns violent, then you’ll have to deal with him plus three maurezhi (who will appear next to the entrance portal), three glabrezu, and a succubus. We’d recommend taking down the succubus first (to prevent her from charming people) and then mopping up the rest. The succubus will turn invisible, so make sure somebody in your party can detect her. For defeating the demons, you’ll earn 168,000 xp, and you’ll find a Scepter Gem and Tahazzar’s Heart when you loot his corpse. You might need the heart for Ka’rashur’s quest (AR3013).

Note: Since Tahazzar’s reaction to you will depend on which character he sees first, you might need to rearrange your party if you want to complete his quest rather than fight him.


In this room, you’ll meet the demon Ka’rashur. If the first player he spots is a lawful-good paladin, then he’ll attack you right away. Otherwise, he might ask you to kill his rival Tahazzar. You’ll find Tahazzar (AR3012) by going north-east-west from this room. If you kill Tahazzar and deliver his heart to Ka’rashur, then each character in your party will earn 20,000 xp, and Ka’rashur will give you his Scepter Gem plus a Thieves’ Hood (which can be upgraded by Cespenar in the Pocket Plane).

If your encounter with Ka’rashur turns violent, then you’ll have to deal with him plus three cornugons, an erinyes, and two imps. You’ll earn 136,000 xp for defeating them, and you’ll find a Scepter Gem and Ka’rashur’s Heart when you loot his corpse. You’ll also find a Star Sapphire in the (locked and trapped) container in the room. You might need Ka’rashur’s Heart for Tahazzar’s quest (AR3012).

Note: Since Ka’rashur’s reaction to you will depend on which character he sees first, you might need to rearrange your party if you want to complete his quest rather than fight him.


In this room, you’ll encounter a demon wraith. It’ll summon five slave wraiths when it spots you. The demon wraith is a powerful caster, and it’ll have high-level spells available, including Time Stop. The wraiths will drain energy when they hit you, so try to buff up with some Negative Plane Protection before facing them.

You’ll also have to deal with several traps, including a Wail of the Banshee trap right at the entrance. So keep your AI off when you arrive, and immediately have your thief detect and disarm that one trap if none of the others.

You’ll earn 25,000 xp for defeating the demon wraith. You’ll also earn 10,000 xp for each slave wraith that you kill, but when you kill the demon wraith, any remaining slave wraiths will go free, which will earn you 5000 xp each. So you’ll earn more xp if you kill everything, but you’ll have a quicker and easier battle if you focus on the demon wraith.

After the battle, when you loot the demon wraith’s previous victims, you’ll find some +1 items, a Journal from Sir Kalthorine ut Wistan (which will mention a “betrayal” by the Knights of the Vigil), a Rogue Stone, and White Dragon Scales (whichCespenar in the Pocket Plane can upgrade into White Dragon Scale armor).


Reaching this room will earn each character in your party 10,000 xp. This is also where you’ll meet a cambion named Aesgareth, who will wager his Scepter Gem on a card game. See the Overview text above for more information about the game.


  • A) Portal to Level 2.
  • B) Portal to Outside.
  • C) Portal to Level 4. You won’t be able to use this portal until you’ve collected the Scepter of Radiance (AR3011) and the three Scepter Gems (AR3012, AR3013, AR3015).
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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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